First Capture

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When Rook began to come to, the first thing she noticed was someone humming Amazing Grace. The second was the bright green hood of the vehicle she was in.

Her mouth was gagged so she couldn't speak. Movement next to her grabbed her attention. Luke was in the drivers seat as they pulled into a camp of Wardens. Her worst fears were realized.

"When I was born, my birth had sucked the life out of my mother, and I was left alone with my father, so tainted by sin, he took to the bottle as I would do later." His voice cracked as he climbed out of the truck and went around to her side. Her eyes locked onto the peggie symbol painted onto the hood, this truck had been a source of hope for the Whitetail Militia, and it pained her to see it bearing the symbol of Eden's Gate.

Luke opened her door and picked her up, before chaining her to a pole, and sat down just out of reach on a pole. To her left was an MRE, steam rising from the hot meal. Luke gestured for her to eat, and when she didn't, he tried to feed her.

A swift smack sent the food flying, and left Luke with a look of understanding.

"I know things might look bad right now, but they will get better. Joseph has shown me my purpose Andria. I'm meant to protect Andria. And protect I have. I protected the Whitetails. Protect I will. I will protect this project." Andria's eyes scanned his body, the words pride was carved onto his left bicept. Envy occupied his right bicept, and wrath could be seen peaking over the collar of his grey tank top.

"I have a family now Andria, as wil you. I don't know if you had heard my little message, but I will not judge you. That is not the job of me or my wardens. No... Judging is the job of the lord." Luke stood up and grabbed a pistol. Loading a dart into it, he turned around and pointed it at the helpless deputy.

"Do the right thing Deputy, we'll talk soon." Squeezing the trigger, she watch as the dart lodged itself into her leg, and the world spun, before dissapating into darkness

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