Jabez handed you the bouquet of roses. "They're so beautiful." You say.

"Awwww Jayyy." You say hugging him.

You saw at the side of the stage was Alex and Carlos with their overprotective acts.

"You guys can't see this but Alex and Carlos are literally glaring at us right now. They're so mad." You say and laughed into the mic.

"Yeah this is a surprise to them. They had no idea I was gonna do this. I literally hid the surprise from them." Jabez said to the fans.

"Yeah I think we should stay on stage forever so that we don't have to face them." You say knowing that right when you guys step backstage they're gonna get all over protective.

"Pray for us when we get to the tour bus!" Jabez says all the fans chuckled. 

"Ahhh I'm so happy." You say pulling Jabez into a kiss. You guys continued kissing, after a few seconds Jabez swiftly slid his tongue into your mouth.

You could hear the fans going crazy. You knew for a fact this would go viral and would be posted on all of the tea/drama accounts.

"Okay okay. Enough kissing for you two!" Alex said storming onto the stage ruining yours and Jabez's moment.

You frowned as Alex pulled you away from your now boyfriend, Jabez.

Once everyone said goodbye Alex grabbed your arm and started dragging you off the stage to lecture you and Jabez.

"Bye guys!" You yelled into the mic as Alex dragged you off the stage. Jabez following closely behind you, with Carlos holding his arms behind his back as if he had just committed a crime.

Devyn and Sam were in the back laughing their asses off as if this was a movie to them.

You were dragged into the tour bus.

Sam and Devyn grabbed your phone and went live on your instagram knowing that all the fans would love to see this.

"Aren't they so cute?" You asked Alex regarding the bouquet of flowers knowing it would get him more heated.

"Give me this!" Alex said snatching the bouquet of roses from your hands and slamming them onto the table.

"Heyy!" You say softly. "You're gonna mess them up." You say sadly.

"It's okay I can buy more." Jabez said coming closer to you and placing his hand on your lower back.

"NO! You're not part of this conversation right now. Look Jabez you're a cool guy and all but this is my best friend here, my sister." Alex said looking at Jabez.

"I kno-" Jabez was saying but got interrupted by Carlos.

"Look Jay. Just stay out of it for now." Carlos said coming closer to you and Alex.

"You guys need to chill!" You say say to them.

"Chill?" Carlos scoffed.

"Yes chill!" You say. "Why are you guys even more overprotective than usual?" You rolled your eyes.

"Because you hid this from us! We literally asked you if you liked Jabez and you would deny all of our accusations and get mad." Alex said.

"Yeah because I didn't want you guys teasing me and I didn't want Jabez finding out about it. Because Jabez would be more likely to find out I liked him if you all had known, and what if he didn't like me back? I didn't want to embarrass myself and make everything awkward." You exclaimed.

"Well he did end up liking you. CLEARLY!" Sam said smirking behind the live.

You and Jabez laughed which caused Alex and Carlos to get more frustrated.

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