Darling don't be Afraid I have Loved you for A Thousand Years

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(My POV)

I began to stir in my sleep as I heard commotion coming from downstairs.
As I got closer, I could hear Sals and Q's voices.
"What do you mean Molly cheated on you?!" Sal asked. Q paced back and fourth, running his fingers through his hair. "I don't know, I tried to stop her from walking out of the bar with some dude, but she wouldn't listen. She was so drunk that she could barely stand." Brian said. I could see tears swelling up in his eyes. "She thought he was me." Q sniffed. Sal wrapped his arms around his best friend as he cried on his shoulder.

I quietly walked back upstairs, slowly closing the door. I sat on the bed, trying to process what just happened.

(Brian's POV)

Last night,

I was setting at a table in the corner of the bar with Murr and Joe. Murr was a little buzzed, Joe doesn't drink, and I was drunk out of my mind. Molly went to use the restroom, so we were just setting here, making fun of people.
"This dude said I looked like a hairless rat, but I stood there thinking, "man, doesn't he look like Shrek the ogre"."  Joe laughed. Murr almost fell of his seat, dying of laughter.

"I really wish Sal was here, cause he would've fallen with you." I chuckled. Joe stopped laughing and looked in a direction behind me. I followed his eyes in the direction he was looking at.
My heart dropped to my balls. Molly was kissing some dude.

I felt the anger rise inside me as I stood up. My fists clenched as Joe and Murr tried to stop me. I pushed them off and ran over to Molly. It felt like everything was in slow motion when my fist met with his face. It took a few guys to get me off of him. Molly kept calling him Brian. My mind went blank when she walked out with him. I was so confused and drunk at the same time, I couldn't even think straight.

Joe took me home, and stayed with me for awhile while I let all of my emotions out.


(Sal's POV)

Q left to go talk to Molly and try to sort things out with her. I sighed and stood up from the couch, walking upstairs. I quietly opened the door. Phoebe was still asleep, so I walked over to the bed, and sat beside her.

I moved her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. I saw Phoebe smile a little. I smirked, realizing she was faking her sleep.

I jumped on top of her pinning her down she laughed as I placed kisses all over her face. "Okay, okay." She breathed. I unpinned her, and ran my fingers up and down her leg. "Maybe we could do another round?" I whispered in her ear.

She pushed me off her as I landed beside her. She took the chance to jump on top of me this time. My hands placed on her hips, and hers resting on my chest. "Maybe later." She said. "Cause I just want to cuddle right now."  Phoebe placed her soft lips onto mine. I kissed back slowly.


Sorry for not publishing. It's been a long time since I've published another chapter. And I'm also sorry if this chapter is short. I have other fanfics, and I would love it if you would check them out☺️💜

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