I will be brave, I will not let anything take away whats standing in front of me

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(Make sure you press play on the second photo/video❤️
Shoutout to: 14lovez ❤️ thanks sis, you'll thank me in the next chapter or two😉😉

(My POV)

I sat on my couch, watching YouTube on my phone, when Joe's contact number popped up.
"Hey Joey, whats up?" I smiled. I could hear faint sniffling, and sobbing noises in the background.
"Phoebe...it's Sal...he~" Joe couldn't stop crying, so I decided to help him calm down.
"Joe....Joey, breathe." He started to take slow and steady breaths. "Now, tell me what's wrong." I calmly asked.

"Sal got into a car accident, it was on the News. It's all over Twitter, come over here quick, we don't think he's gonna make it...." Joe's voice turned into a faint whisper as I sat my phone down beside me. I switched the channel to the News, tears strolled down my eyes as I saw what was on TV.

"Salvatore Vulcano, a comedian, who stars on Impractical Jokers, also known as Sal, has been in a fatal car accident, at 6:30 this morning..."

I quickly stood up, grabbed my phone, and stuffed it into my pocket. I ran upstairs to grab Sals hoodie, I put it on, and ran downstairs to grab my keys.
As I opened my front door, there stood Brian.

With a swift motion, he pulled me in for a long hug. My body felt numb as I began cry uncontrollably onto his chest.
"Shhh, everything's gonna be okay." Brian whispered. "I'm sure Sal's okay.."
We stood the for about 30 mins, letting all of our emotions fly into the air.


While we were in the waiting room, Brian introduced me to his new girlfriend, Molly. I'm glad that he finally built up the courage to ask her out. 

Molly and I were laughing, and having a great time, when the doctors asked if any of us would like to see him.

Everyone's eyes darted to me, including Sals parents.
"Go on, hun." Sals mom spoke up. I nodded, and looked at Brian who had his hand around Molly's waist. "Go." He whispered.

As I walked in, I quietly shut the door behind me. What I saw, broke my heart. Sal's face had stitches above one of his eye brows, along with a black eye. One of his legs had a cast on it, and the other had a bandage around the knee.

I sat beside him on a chair, and held his hand tight in mine.
"Umm, I don't know what to say." I chuckled to myself. "I...I just want you to be okay. I know you can't hear me since you're in a coma, but..." I grip the heart charm on my necklace.

"Sal, if you can hear me, just remember that I will be with you every step of the way. I love you, so, so much." I say, as I let a tear slip from my eye.

(Sals POV)

It was dark and quiet... my mind went blank.
All sorts of light perished. I was lonely like when Phoebe left. I spent years working with my depression, until I heard the news of Brian's fiancé leaving him for another man. Two years of my life are gone...gone because of one person that I never knew would break my heart.

All I want to see is Phoebe's beautiful blue eyes, hear her adorable giggles when I tickle her, feel her soft skin against mine, taste her wild berry flavored chapstick when I kiss her.

Sadness filled my body as I began to cry.... all those memories of Allison are blown away, but memories of Phoebe and I are staying in my heart, forever...

I felt something being placed on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Phoebe's father.

"Kenny? What're you doing here?" I asked, remembering that he died in the Navy.
I gripped his hand as he helped me up.
"I'm dead, am I.." I looked down, disappointed in myself for leaving Phoebe.
"No, but you are dying." Kenny said. I looked up at him, shocked. "I'm dYiNg!?" I panicked.
"I..I think I'm hyperventilating." My heart to started to beat fast, it was so hard to breath. I don't want to die...

(My POV)

I sat there, holding Sal's hand, when the heart monitor started beeping rapidly. I didn't know what to do. Is sal dying?
The doctors came rushing in the room, trying to calm him down and slow his heart beat.

"Sal, you have to calm down, you here me. I can't loose you." I cry, holding his hand. Brian, Molly, Joe, Bessy, Murr, and Sal's parents were all standing behind me.

And that was when I heard it, the rapid beeping soon turning into a slow long beeeeep...
Everything turned into slow motion. I fell to the floor, my heart skipped so many beats, I didn't know what to do. I could hear the doctors try to revive him. I closed my eyes, and covered my ears. I just wish this was a dream...

I soon felt a pair of arms pull me back.
It was Joe, I fell into his warm arms, as he began rubbing my back. "I loved him..." I whispered.
"I know hun...we all did." Joe replied, hugging me tighter.

(Sals POV)

"Sal you gotta calm down! Son, calm down! Please, or your actually gonna die!" Kenny yelled. I heard Phoebe's soft and smooth voice as I tried to calm down. "I loved him..." kept replaying in my mind. All of those years thinking she had the same feelings as I did for her, finally came true. She does love me, and I need her as much as needs me.
"She loves me." I spoke. Kenny looked at me, a smile formed on his lips. He patted my shoulder before disappearing. I looked up, and saw a bright light, it reminded me of a hospital room.

(My POV)

We all sat in the waiting room, listening for one of the doctors to come out and give us some news. I sat between Brian, and Joe, none of us has spoken a word of what had just happened. Sal died for 30 mins, until his heart started to beat again as they were rolling his bed out the room. I felt relieved when they brought him back into the room. I thought I wasn't gonna live without him. 

I was soon brought back into reality when the doctor came out with good news. "He's awake if you want to talk to him." The Doctor spoke. Brian looked at him with confusion. ('Tis Confusion'😉)  "I thought he was in a coma?" Brian questioned, folding his arms in response. "He was. When he came back to life, it's like the body woke up with him. But the only problem is that he has internal bleeding, so he'll be staying here for about a week." The doctor explained, walking toward the receptionist.

I sighed as I stood up. "I'm gonna go talk to Sal." I weekly smiled, walking into the room, closing the door behind me. Sal had a sad expression spread across his face, but when he saw me, he smiled to were it showed his dimples.
"Hey." Sal said as he watched me set down on the chair beside his hospital bed.
He intertwined his fingers with mine, and he softly spoke. "I missed you."
I kept my eyes locked to the floor, not knowing if this is a dream or not. "What's wrong?" Sal asked. I finally looked into his eyes. "I thought I was gonna loose you.." I say, letting tears fall from my eyes. Sal cupped my cheek with his hand. "I'm right here, and i'm never gonna leave you again."
And with that Sal kissed me with passion. Sparks flew into the air as our lips locked, and emotions exchanged as our lips moved in sync. And now I know that I will not let anything take away what's laying in front of me.

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