I have died everyday waiting for you.

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(My POV)

By 11:30 I was ready. I wore a cute short white dress, along with white heels. My hair was in loose curls, and I put on light make-up. I'm not really a fan of make-up. I put my glasses on, and grabbed my phone along with my keys.

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(Sals POV)

As soon as I found my tux, Allison walked into the room.
"Where are you going?" She asked, leaning on the door frame.
"Umm, Pete invited us to his wedding." I truthfully said.
"Hmm, i'm not really fond of weddings." Allison said. Does that mean, she doesn't want to get engaged? Do I have to return the ring?
"Oh, okay. I have to get ready. It starts at 12:00, and it's already 11:35." I said.
"Well, I hope you have fun." She winked before walking out of the room.

I sighed in relief. I thought she was going to be mad, or yell at me.

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