Time stands still, Beauty in all she is

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As I watched Sal go through posters, my eyes drifted to someone familiar. Andrew was looking at some clothes with a guy, then my eyes glanced down to his hand. Their hands were intertwined. It was like I was in my own little world, all the voices of people were fading in the distance. Why is Andrew holding some guy's hand? What's happening? My mind was racing through so many thoughts.

I jumped at the touch of someone's hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" Sal asked. "You were dosing off there."
I turned to face him. "Yeah, i'm fine." I smiled. Sal was showing me a Doctor Strange poster, when my phone vibrated. I checked and it was a text from Q.

BBQ: Hey, just wanting to check on you. Do you want to talk about it?

Me: About what?

BBQ: The kiss??

Me: Oh, it was nothing.

BBQ: Hey, i'm here if you need me. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Right as I finished reading his text, Sal wanted me to go with him to buy the WWE poster.

Me: Sorry, have to go. Talk later

I pressed send, and let Sal drag me to the cashier. This is gonna be a long night with this little kid beside me.

Is Andrew gay???


Sal and I drove around Manhattan for hours, it's already 5:00 A.M. and i'm still not tired.
"Do you want me to take you home?" Sal asked.
"Sure." I yawned, Sal chuckled a little. "What?" I questioned, confusion plastered on my face. Sal looked over at me, a smirk formed on his face while he rubbed my thigh. "I thought you said you were tired."  I giggled, "I guess I am. It's just... I don't want this night to end." Sal places his hand on my cheek. "It's not over yet, we can listen to music while I drive you to your house." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I felt my cheeks turn red, as he kept one hand on my thigh and the other on the steering wheel.

Everything surrounding me turned to a blur, as I drifted off to a deep sleep. Music echoing through my ears, as I hear Sals voice singing to the song that's blasting through the radio.


Sal and I walked through the dimmed streets of New York. It was a beautiful night, starts glistening in the sky, the moon shinning down onto Sals bright green eyes, as he pulled me into his tight embrace. "I love you..." Sals hot breath bounced off my neck. He tilted my chin up so our eyes were alined with each other. Sal slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss onto my lips.

And after that everything went dark........


I awoke to the sun beaming in through my curtains. I quickly sat up, not remembering falling asleep in my bed. I had different clothes on then from the night before. I slowly got up, and walked into my bathroom, my dress was laying in my basket, along with other dirty clothes.

I quickly ran downstairs, and spotted a note on the kitchen island.
I picked it up, and noticed the handwriting right away. 

Hey, you fell asleep in my car, so I carried you up to your room. Don't worry, I didn't look if you are wondering why your clothes are changed. I left a little birthday present on your coffee table, hope you like it, love you.


I smiled and placed the note back onto the counter. I walked into the living room to see a small box with a blue ribbon on it. I picked it up, and slowly opened it, a little card fell out of it, and it read:

I picked this up while you where trying on your clothes.

love, Sal

Beneath the note was a beautiful gold necklace, that had a pink heart charm with diamonds surrounding the edges. there was small writing on the back. I smiled at what it said.


I put the necklace around my neck, my body shivered as the cold chain brushed up against my neck. I held the heart charm in my hand, and thought about the dream I had. Was the dream a sign?

(Sals POV, after I fell asleep in his car)

I carried Phoebe up to her room, and quickly changed her clothes before tucking her in her bed. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, and whispered

"I love you..."

I left a note on her counter, and a present on her coffee table. I locked her front door before leaving, and got in my car, started the ignition, and drove off.


When I got home, I noticed a Chevy truck parked in our driveway. I stepped out of my car, and walked to my front door. I took a quick glance back at the truck. "What the hell?" I said to myself.
I closed the door behind me, before walking upstairs.

"Hey babe did you~" I opened our bedroom door to reveal Allison kissing on some dudes face.
"Babe?" I said, feeling my heart break into a million pieces. My girlfriend, the person who I got to call babe for the last two years, the person who helped me from crying every night because I missed my best friend, the person who helped me forget about my past, the person who i've been wanting to call my wife, was making my heart shatter for the first time.

Without thinking, I ran downstairs, through the front door, and out to my car. I started the ignition, and drove as fast as I could. I could feel warm tears streaming down my cheeks, my vision went blurry before a pair of headlights came speeding toward me. My life flashed before my eyes and everything went dark.....

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