Chapter 3

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"LACEY ANNE MICHAELS watch your mouth." Luke looks at me horrified.

I roll my eyes annoyed with him, talking to me like a child. "Sorry, Mom."

He dramatically sucked in a breath at the fact that I called him mom. Deciding to deal with him later I turn to the dickhead across from me.

"Lacey fucking Michaels, what a small world." He smirked.

"Yeah, too fucking small. I'd say it was good to see you but I would be lying." He dramatically laid a hand on his chest and feigned a hurt look.

"I'm crushed." I watched as his eyes slowly trailed down my body and back up. "Damn, time has done you well, though. Still a hot piece of ass, just like you were back in high school. At least you still have that. What do you say we skip the monologue and head up to my... "

He hadn't got to finish his sentence before I socked him in the nose.

"Lacy!" Luke lunges forward and grabs my arm to keep me from throwing another punch.

"You do not get to talk to me like that after what you did to me. You're a sick bastard, and I hope you rot in hell. Now I'm gonna go back to the bar and get a drink maybe five. You can either throw me out like the bastard you are or you can let me enjoy the rest of my night." With that, I turn around and stalk to bar not bothering to look back at either of them.

I sit on a bar stool and wave the bartender over. "Give me the strongest shit you got and keep it coming. I'm hoping to die of alcohol poisoning after the last few days I've had."

The guy gave me a concerned look but quickly got to work and seconds later I was downing whatever he gave me. Dangerous I know, but at this point, I really couldn't give two fucks. Not even one.

The bartender gave me another look. "You know that I'm gonna have to cut you off at some point right?"

I didn't answer. I only gave him the meanest glare I could muster he raised his hand and walked back to make me another.

I slinked away from the bar after a few drinks to dance. I danced with a few handsome strangers before calling it quits when the last one got handsy.

I made my way back to the bar to finish my fifth whatchamacallit and began swaying in my chair, I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I look back expecting Luke but was instead met by the shittiest piece of shit there was. No, it wasn't my boyfriend who was a close second, it was Jaxon. Behind him was Luke, who was standing with a dangerous drunken lean. I couldn't believe he was letting this stupid bag of dicks touch me.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" I shoved him away.

"If you're gonna throw me out I'd rather you have one of your brutish giants do it. Better yet I'm leaving." I went to take a step when suddenly the room began to sway and I was overcome with darkness but not before feeling arms wrap around me. I could only guess that they were not Luke's.

I woke with a start, initially confused about where I was. I scanned my surroundings noticing that I was in a tent surrounded by pillows and covered in a blanket.

I sat up and took in my naked state. It was then that the memories of the night before came rushing back. A smile formed on my lips as I laid back. But just as fast as it appeared it vanished as I realized the spot next to me was empty.

"Jaxon?" I called out numerous times but never once got a response.

Unzipping the tent and holding the blanket close around me I walked out. I was momentarily distracted by the beautiful green forest in front of me before I shook my head remembering what I was looking for.

I walked around the campsite taking in the faint smell of smoke from the fire we made last night. As I walked, I noticed my clothes in a heap next to my purse. I got closer noticing a folded piece of paper atop of the pile of clothes. I struggled to open it while keeping my blanket firmly wrapped around my body.

Last night was a mistake. I don't love you. I'm sorry.

Do us both a favor and stay away from me.


Realization dawned over me. He took my virginity and bounced. He left me alone in the woods. He didn't love me.

I slid to the ground as uncontrollable painful sobs racked through my body. After laying on the soft forest floor for what seemed like hours I finally ran out of tears. I was sore from the constant clenching of my body's sad shudders.

I pulled my aching body off the ground and began changing not caring if someone saw me. I felt numb. I didn't bother to take down anything from the campsite and grabbed my purse.

I began walking letting the wind through the trees, the water running in the nearby streams and the bird songs echoing through the sky create a calming melody. I had always loved being out in nature. Watching and listening always made me feel calm and safe. But as I walked, my heart didn't stop aching. It only took my mind to another place, so the pain in my chest became a dull ache.

After about an hour and a half of walking, I finally made it to the bus stop outside the park. I was lucky there was one so close otherwise I would have been walking for about a day to get back into town. I hope that when he left me he thought about that.

I, for the first time since I woke up checked my phone. I already knew there was no signal at the camping site. I had checked the night before. I didn't bother checking on my walk because I needed a clear mind.

I contemplated calling my best friend, Izabella but decided against it. I knew she would hound me with questions so instead, I looked up when the next bus was and took a seat on the bench. I sat and waited and let nature sing to me as I finally wandered back to last night.

It was such a good night, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what suddenly went so wrong. So wrong that he would throw away three months of friendship and four months of our relationship and leave me stranded in the woods. Why did it go so wrong?

Searing, unbearable pain. The pain was radiating off in my head in waves. I tried to open my eyes only to be blinded by the light shown through the window. I screwed my eyes shut and turned the other way. I opened my eyes once more glad not to be met with blinding light this time. Instead, I was met with a tall glass of water and some pain meds.

Only once I took the meds and gulped down the water, did I notice I was most defiantly not in my room. Three things made that very clear.

One, the walls were dark grey. My room was white. Two, the covers around me were a navy blue duvet with grey silk sheets. My duvet was red, and my sheets were most defiantly not silk. Where the actual fuck was I and what happened last night.

I moved to get out of the bed throwing the covers off and swinging my legs over the side. I stood and began to walk forward only to topple over something large and land hard on the ground. Confused when I heard groaning not coming from me I spring up and turn to look at what I tripped over.

There on the floor groaning, clutching his side and glaring up at me was none other than Jaxon Fucking King. Number Fucking Three.

I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "What. The. Fuck."

So what do ya'll think so far?

Comment and let me know what you think so far. Like it or hate it I don't care feedback is feedback. If you like it please share it with your friends. If you don't tell me what I could do better.

That's all folks until next time💋

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