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The room looked huge
It was a dark blue .... there was a fancy bed, A vanity, a wardrobe (nanrnia? Anyone?) and large windows looking out to a garden... I think this is the adults room... let's try another room
I wandered down a different hallway and picked a door....
I saw the room had. Light green walls, a big bed. Big windows, Books and toys were scattered around the room
Is this a child's room?

I went back in the hallway
This place is big

"Boo" said a voice
I turned around
He looked around my age
The boy or ghost literally looked like a ghost. he had really pale skin and whiteish pink puffy hair.

"Ah!" I jumped

The others came rushing Up the stairs.
They saw me and the boy
Souda Yelled "a g-ghost!!"
"Ghost where can I punch it!" Said akane
Putting up her fists
The boy stepped away from akane, looking afraid.
"Huh? I'm not a ghost?" The boy said, he looked confused.
"Oh" Said akane
"Did you like the decorations I set up?" He Asked
"Huh? You set up the blood?" I said
"Oh you mean the paint, Mom said to always decorate for the holidays" he said

"Wow! You did a really great job you scared some of us!" Said Sonia
"What's your name?" I asked the boy
"Nagito Komaeda," He replied
"Nice to meet you! where do you go to school?" Asked ibuki
"Oh, I am starting at hopes peak elementary" komaeda said
"We all go there too!" Said mahiru
"I wonder if we will be in the same class" komaeda Said

"So do you live here?" Sonia Asked
Waving her arms around to the giant house
"yes I do, this is now my house, no one ever comes up here, they think it's haunted" komaeda Said looking a bit sad
"Wow this house is huge!, and why are there no lights?"mahiru Asked

"Oh, the electricity is out, I just got out of the hospitality, I was there for a few months" komaeda Said
He showed us, the hospital I.d bracelet he still had on his arm.
"A few months! I couldn't stand just a few days, I've heard the food is terrible!" Said Akane

"So do you want to come trick or treating with us?!" Asked ibuki
"Sure!" komaeda said happily
"Let's go then!!" Said ibuki

We then followed nagito to the staircase and down a long hallway and to the door, Since he knew how to get out.

We walked down the hill and back to the neighborhood
we where trick or treating in...

Everyone split up into groups of 4
It was Me,mikan,nagito and chiaki.
Sonia went with Gundam,souda followed them and so did Teruteru..ect

We went from house to house
Saying trick or treat!

All of the adults gave us candy and other things
While we where walking around
Chiaki said "why aren't I gaining ExP?"
"Your in reality c-chiaki, not in a game " Said mikan
Chiaki said "oh that explains it then"
We all laughed
the night was filled with fun candy and making new friends.

(I had no clue how to end it)

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