
15 3 2

Based off of
Song by Melanie Martinez

--(minor warning for violence and sad)—
——(If you don't like this type of stuff don't read)——

"Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
When you walk away, it's when we really play"

I heard shouting again.....
they always are fighting
we may seem like a perfect family
but that's a lie...

My mother's a alcoholic, my father is with a slut

Can my life get any worse?
I wonder

"You don't hear me when I say,
Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
I see things that nobody else sees"

I got up and walked out of the house
They never notice i am gone
My friends also have family problems
Nagito's family is also terrible.
You can see cuts And bandages

So is ouma's He takes pills
they once spilled at school once
Me I have it no different
From them
You can see bruises on me


I went
To go find ouma
Of Course
He lives only a few blocks away
I go up to the door and ring the bell
I hear screaming and a *crash*
someone threw something against the wall

Then his mother gets the door
"Hello mrs ouma Can I speak to Kockichi ?"
I ask
"Sure! One sec "
"Kockichi our *friend* is here!"
She shouts
"I am coming"

Ouma replies
He comes to the door
"Hello hajime ."
He says
" hi ouma Let's go find nagito.."
"Ok" He says
"How have they been treating you, better I hope..?" I ask
" eh Same old same old, this time they tried to throw something at me"
"But they missed and it hit the wall instead"
He asked " how about you?"
" mom was passed out and father was at it again"
I said
while waving my hands in the air
"ah, ok let's hope nagito has it better then us today... "
He said worriedly
"Yeah let's hope"
I said
As we continue walking toward nagito's house

We got to his house
It is a huge, beautiful house
It may be pretty on the outside
But we know its hell on inside

Kockichi knocks
He knocks again

Nagito's *mother* opens the door
"Who is it? She asked
The women was holding a bottle of who knows what in her hand
"It's hajime and Kockichi we would like to see nagito." I Said
She reeks of alcohol..
"Eh? Nagito..he's up in his room, hasn't left for a while "
She says as she toters away
i heard her mutter
"Sick in the head again"
I look at Kockichi he looks worried..
'Let's go" i mutter
We come up a staircase and find hallways going off in different directions
How big is this place?!

Kockichi leads me down particular hallway..
We reach a set of doors
"If I'm correct this is his room" says Kockichi
Well lets see...
Kockichi knocks and says "hey nagito.....can we come in?"
We heard a faint
from behind the door
I opened the door

The room looked the same when I had visited last time
A few weeks ago...
when me and Kockichi couldn't get him to come to school
We had to beg him to come out..
the same large windows, same large bed and the light walls
Nagito was just sitting on his bed back to us and he said
.."she told me that trash like me should have been killed with my parents.. she said i was better off dead then living..'
"W-what"i said
"Please come out, you haven't been out for a while" Kockichi begged
"can i finally leave this hellhole?"nagito said
"Yes, just come with us' I mumbled
'Fine" nagito replied
He got up and left his room
We both followed him
Down the stairs and out the door
Hey, look at my mom, she's got it going on
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back she pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic
Go back to being plastic
(Time skip...to all Graduate high school)

We left this town and our  family's
The three of us all got into college and were roommates together

(After college)
I got a job as a lawyer
Kockichi got a job as a human lie detector
And nagito, he helped Kockichi with lie detection and me with cases.
When Nagito's "parents" are gone we will all move into the house.

Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
I see things that nobody else sees
I see things that nobody else sees)

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