Finding Elizabeth

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≪Y/n's Pov ≫

I Tighten the tie around my hair. I let out a sigh while exiting my room. I wander the Castle halls looking for Elizabeth, Some guards rush over to me bowing on one knee, "Lady Y/n! The Princess Has Escaped!" One guard yells, My eye twitches, I might be a lady but I like being called 'sir'

"How dare you! Do you not know Your manners? It's Sir to you!" I yelled sternly. I'm always hard on people lower then me, They just need to remember what they call people higher then them. People are cruel these days they could get killed for just using the wrong title to a holy knight, I don't want these guys to die. "Y-Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!" The Knight yelled. I placed my hand on his shoulder, He slightly flinched, "It's alright, Just remember you could get killed for calling someone higher then you, there wrong name." I said, Taking my hand off, "Y-Yes sir! Thank you for informing me Sir!" A small smile formed on the knights lips, he did a bow before leaving with the other guards. I looked around for a second. I need to find Elizabeth She could get hurt out there.

As I walk into town, I see Many people making way for me to walk. I seen a man kick a woman in front of my path. She had black hair, and her eyes were closed, she was wearing holy knight armor, the man who kicked her spoke up, "We don't need pathetic holy knights like yourself! Get lost!" The Man screamed about to kick her once more, I sighed while grabbing the mans leg with my swift movement, "Do You know it's a crime to attack a holy knight? You could get life in prison, or worse..Death." I smiled at the man, His eyes widen While scooting back in the crowd, I grab him by the collar looking into his eyes, "If I catch you harming anyone again, I will end you with my blade." I threw the man back in the crowd. Helping the Woman up, "What's your name?" I ask, while helping her get up. "Guila, Thank you for helping me. Even tho I could of handle it myself." She smiled up at me while doing a small bow. I nod my head while walking back onto the trail I was heading.


I finally made it up to a new Tavern I enter to see Elizabeth In a Very revealing outfit, "W-Welcome!" Elizabeth Yelled out, her eyes landing on me, "S-Sir Y/n!" Elizabeth Yelled running to hug me. She jumped into my arms. I smile while pulling her into a hug spinning her around. She let out a giggle, I gently put her down while kissing her forehead. She let out a eep, "S-Sir Meliodas!"

I look to see a small blonde boy groping Elizabeth's butt. He looks away from Elizabeth's butt while jumping onto my groping my boobs. My grin falls. I pick the boy up by the head, "What do you think your doing?!" I scream in his face, "Checking your body temperature! I think I need to get in some place a little warmer!" Meliodas with a smile, Getting out o my grip, He was now in front of my butt putting his face in between my booty cheeks. Elizabeth looked at Meliodas with a slight glare.

My eye twitched while I feel his nose nuzzling my behind, "Yea, It's pretty warm down there!" He moved in front of me letting out a wide grin, "Your perfectly fine!"

what a pervert.

Princesses body guard! Yandere various Seven deadly sins x Holy Knight! readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें