S5 E5 - Girl Meets Love

Começar do início

*The next day, at school*

"Maya, you've been off a little lately. You sure you're okay?" I sigh in sadness as I play with my food. I'm not hungry. I know I should've told Riley what happened between me and her brother but I didn't think it was the right time. She's so stressed right now because she has to face her insecurities and I didn't want to add more tension.
"You sure?" I glare at Smakle in response
"I'll take that as a yes"
"Maya, I've known you for more than ten years. I think that you're feeling some sort of sad and angry feeling. And by analyzing you my theory is proved to be right" I simply roll my eyes but I notice that my best friend finds enough courage to hold Missy's hand. This brings me immediately to smile again.
"Ew, disgusting" a senior whispers to his friends. This is the last straw. I slowly stand up
"Uh, Maya?" I ignore Missy and slowly walk up to them but Zay tries to stop me by grabbing my wrist.
"Zay, not now" I order in a harsh tone and a deeper voice. I heard that it makes you look more intimidating. He sets me free
"Yes ma'am"
"What did you just say to them?" the kid laughs
"That it's disgusting. Look at them"
"How is that disgusting? They're literally just holding hands" I can see that he doesn't have anymore arguments in his favor
"Wait, aren't you that waiter in that stupid bakery? What is it called? Topanga's? What a stupid name" his friends laugh and he start snapping his fingers at my face
"Excuse, me" he keeps snapping
"Waitress" another snap. I put on a fake smile and play along
"What can I get ya?"
"I need some-" I start snapping. Literally.
"Is that annoying?" Snap.
"Is that obnoxious and rude?" Snap. Snap. Snap.
"Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you while you were working? Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry"
"Damn, dude. She burned you"
"Oh..." I snap at his friend and take a quick glance at his style...a hipster.
"No, hipster. No"
"Do not think we're on the same team. We have nothing in common. I wear knit hats when it's cold out. You wear knit hats 'cause of Coldplay. You have tattoos to piss off your dad. My dad forgot about my existence for eleven years. And finally..."I turn to look back at the original bully.
"You think..." Multiple snaps.
"This is the sound that gets you service. I think..." Another snap.
"This is the sound that dries my up vagina"
"L-let's go guys" About damn time I must say.
"Wow, Maya" I chuckle sarcastically
"Oh, I'm not done yet..."
"What does that mean, Riley?" I stand on the table
"Trouble, Missy"
"I would like to say something!"
"And a lot of it too"
"Y'all should be more open-minded and accept all kind of couples. Because love is beautiful and you need to cherish it at any given opportunity. I mean, if you had a special somebody wouldn't you show them how much you care about them? So why judging couples that you might consider 'not normal'?! Love is love. Period!" everyone stands up and starts clapping except for my group of friends. They're too busy watching Mr. Matthews approaching us, well, me. I guess I'm in trouble
"Maya, get down" I frown
"Matthews, I'm trying to educate people here" I put my fist in the air
"Love is love! Love is love!" soon enough all the students chant along with me
"That's it, detention" I stop and look down at him
"You can't give me detention, Matthews"
"Why not?" I hop down
"Because I'm busy with cheer practice, art club and work"
"Well, you should've thought about it before starting a revolution" I can't believe it, I hate my life.

*In detention*

"How's it possible that I'm the only one here?" I ask Mr. Matthews when I notice that there's no one else.
"Probably because you're the only student who decided to start a revolution" I take my seat
"It was for a good cause"
"Really? Tell me about it. I'd really like to know why you did that" I tap my fingers on the desk. Should I tell him? It's his daughter after all.
"Because Riley feels insecure. She can't even hold Missy's hand without getting judgmental looks from everyone. I hate seeing my best friend like this. Don't you?" he nods
"I know, Maya. I appreciate you trying to educate those ignorant kids but you should've let this alone" I frown
"What do you mean, Matthews? I had to do something! Why should've I stayed quiet?"
"Because this is a personal journey for Riley. She has to learn that there's always gonna be people who will look at her like that. It doesn't matter how much you fight"
"What happened to you? You used to try to fix everything and everyone"
"What happened to you, Maya? You are the same person I was years ago. You know, there are some things that can't be fixed, others that are just better as broken. The important thing is that you stick next to the people you love and support them" I simply scoff and look away. This is pure bullshit.
"I've heard your speech and couldn't help but notice how much you know about love. Where did you learn all that stuff?"
"I learnt it from you and your family. You were the first ones who made me feel truly loved"
"Yeah, but that was family love. We're talking about romantic love here" I look back into his eyes
"You wanna know who taught me about love? It was your son. Even though we started dating a few months ago he's always showed me how much he loved me. He taught me what true love feels like. It's not like feeling butterflies in your stomach. That's a crush. Love is when you feel comfortable enough to burp in front of them and then kiss them" I bite my lover lip and I smile a little at all the memories I share with Elliot
"You know, he tilts his head whenever I say anything stupid. But he never makes fun of me, which is nice. He's also incredibly patient, really kind and super jacked and-" I stop myself before I reveal my feelings to Matthews.
"Nothing. I was about to say absolutely nothing. Can I go now? Cheer practice is about to start"
"You may go" I stand up
"Thank you"

Girl Meets World | AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora