"Thank you."

Several minutes later, a diminutive woman entered the room, wearing a white doctor's coat.

"Good morning. I'm Dr. Sohail. What seems to be the problem this morning?"

"Well, I've been feeling very tired lately and I can't seem to keep any food down."

After taking a couple of notes, the doctor stood and conducted a physical examination.

"Let's get some blood taken and run a couple of tests. It could be something as simple as a bug that's going around, but we'll make sure. In the meantime, I'm going to prescribe a little something to help with the nausea and get as much rest as you can, okay?"

"Thank you, Dr. Sohail."

"Sure thing. We should have the test results by tomorrow morning. Come in and we'll review them.

"Great. See you tomorrow."

Kongpob was just finishing up with a patient, when he exited his office and saw Achara approaching.

"Achara! What are you doing here? Were we supposed to meet up? Did I forget?"

Achara chuckled watching Kongpob panic.

"No silly. I was feeling a little under the weather and decided to see a doctor for a quick check up."

"Oh my God. Are you okay? Why didn't you say anything to me? What did the doctor say?"

"I'm okay, I suppose. She just took some blood and told me to get some rest. I'm supposed to come back tomorrow morning for the results. Pretty sure it's nothing, but I just wanted to make sure. The nausea is getting to me."

"Well, hopefully it's nothing. You need to get more rest. Why don't you get a massage today so you can relax and then take a rest for the day?"

"Are you sure? I thought we could grab some lunch."

"Oh, I wish I could, but I have a full slate of patients today."

"Oh well.  I'll just head home."

Kongpob watched her walk away, his heart awash with guilt. He hated himself for sending her mixed signals. He had intended to break things off over a month ago, but they ended up making love instead. He informed his mother of his intentions and she was more than happy to support him. She had never liked Achara and was happy to start reaching out to her friends to let them know her son would soon be back on the market. He shook his head and returned to his office to prepare for his next patient.

"Are you sure? You can't be serious. I can't be. No."

Achara stood and was pacing back and forth in Dr. Sohail's office.

"The test is conclusive, Ms. Nattapol. You are pregnant. About six weeks."

"I'm just shocked. I thought I just had a bug or something."

Dr. Sohail, chuckled and patted Achara on her knee.

"Well you have a bug that will be here in about nine months. You and your fiancé have something to celebrate."

"I guess we do. Thank you, Dr. Sohail."

Achara spent the rest of the day preparing a gourmet dinner for Kongpob. She meticulously prepared all his favorite dishes and prepared the dining room, transforming it into a romantic bistro. Hours later, she looked at her watch. Kongpob would soon be home, so Achara rushed upstairs to change into an outfit she knew Kongpob would like. Turning back and forth in front of the mirror, Achara smiled to herself and placed her hand on her stomach.

"Guess what baby? Daddy is going to be home soon. I can't wait to tell him about you. From now on, things are going to be so wonderful for us. I promise."

She was interrupted by the sound of a car approaching the house. Giggling, she skipped down the stairs and waited next to the door.

Kongpob tiredly approached the front door of his home and was shocked when it opened as he reached for the knob.

"Mr. Suthiluck! You're home. Welcome to my bistro. She took his bag, placing it on a side table."

"What is all of this?" Kongpob was shocked as Achara lead him into the dining room. The room was lit by candles and the smell of vanilla permeated the air.

"It's your dinner, Kong."

"I thought you were supposed to relax and take it easy today. Why did you do all of this?"

"I did it for you. I have some wonderful news to share with you."

"What is it?"

"Let's eat dinner first. Have a seat and I'll bring out the food."

Kongpob was surprised as she brought out all his favorite foods and poured him a glass of his favorite wine. She then sat down and smiled lovingly at him.


"Kong, why aren't you eating? I hope you didn't eat before you came home."

"Um, no. I just...well...I. Um, we need to talk. I have something to tell you."

Brimming with excitement, Achara could no longer contain herself.

"Kong, I'm..."

"Achara, I want to break up."

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