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Jimin has been putting it off but today he has too. It's Monday meaning he can't avoid the older forever.

His mom noticed his tired demeanor as if he stayed up all night which was true to an extent. He would think to much and then wake up several times in the middle of the night.

"Sweetie. Do you want a little bit of coffee?" His mom asked. He asked for just a tiny bit. He needed some kind of energy. He downed it all before sighing loudly.

"Alright mom. I'm leaving out ok." He says. She ruffles his hair and kisses his forehead.

"Have a nice day." She says as he walks out the door. His heart was clenching as he walked. He didn't want to be he had too. It started beating out of his chest and his breath hitched upon seeing Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled at him.

"There you are. I was starting to worry. You didn't return my calls since Saturday. I assumed you just fell asleep Saturday but you didn't text or call me yesterday. Are you ok?" Yoongi asked.

"I have to tell you something." It seemed the inside of his body was having a fight. His mind telling him that this was the right thing for him to do but his heart was crying in the corner, going to break any moment.

"Sure. What is it Jiminie?" The name Yoongi always calls him cracked his heart. His mind was still driving him to keep going not caring about his heart.

"I-" His voice got stuck in his throat. It was as if his heart wouldn't let those words leave his mouth. He felt his eyes water a little. He bit his lip before taking a deep breath.

"Min Yoongi. I love you dearly. I really do but.."

Yoongi felt his heart drop. There was no way this was what he thought it was. He wanted to speak but all he could do was listen to him.

"But I don't know. Y-you told me not to listen to what people where saying about me and I didn't. But now they're saying things not just about me but about the people I love. Yoongi can we just go back to the way it was before? Can we back to just being friends?" Jimin asked silently, feeling his heart on the verge of breaking, begging him to stop.

"Jimin, does that mean.."

"Yes." Jimin says staring into his eyes.

"We're breaking up." They say at the same time. Both of their hearts felt like it burst into a million tiny pieces. Jimin let his eyes falter not wanting Yoongi to see the tears coming out of his eyes.

They didn't say anything as they let this information sink in. Jimin couldn't take it anymore as he continued his walk but picking up his pace.

Yoongi stayed still, not wanting to let this get to him but it was sinking in and it was sinking fast. He turned to call for Jimin, but he had disappeared into the wave of people who were also walking to school.
"And my dad is like really sad. I heard him cry in his study but he told me I was hearing things this morning and that he wasn't." Taehyung nods.

"Maybe give him some space. I don't think it would be easy to get over someone who you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Trust me." Jungkook nods taking his advice.

"I just hope he'll be ok. He seemed really sad and tired." Jungkook says feeling a bit sorry for his father. Taehyung stops Jungkook.

"You're frowning." Taehyung says. Jungkook gives him a slight smile. That was good enough for Taehyung. He hated when his bun frowns. It just didn't look good on him. It wasn't apart of his personality.

As usual, Taehyung walked Jungkook to class even though he claims he can do it by himself now.

"I don't care. I like walking with you." Jungkook smiles as he turns feeling the blood rush to his face. Taehyung chuckles before rushing to get to his class, which was on the other side of the school. If Jungkook knew, he'd ban Tae from walking him to class ever again.
"Hyung. What are you doing?" Namjoon asked as he watched Jin mix up something.

"I trying a new recipe I saw online. I was bored." He says.

"I've had it before but I never made it so I'm going to try to make it and hope it taste good." He smiles.

"What are you making?" Namjoon asked.

"Budae Jjigae." Namjoon nods thinking that he's hears of that but never really had a chance to eat some.

"Sounds good. Can I help?" They both freeze remembering the last time they made food together. They both cringed before shaking their heads.

"Yeah nevermind." Namjoon says. Jin laughs. Instead Namjoon just reads the recipe for Jin who moves around the kitchen putting whatever into the pot. Finally it was done.

"Here. Taste." Jin says not really paying attention to how hot it was since it was fresh off the stove. He blew it off a little. Namjoon opened his mouth to speak but some hot ramen was being shoved in his mouth.

Namjoon quickly spit it out as his tongue was on fire. He fanned it while asking for water. Jin went wide eyed.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! Do you want water?" Jin grabbed him some water before basically trying to pour it in Namjoon's mouth. Namjoon took it and downed the glass within moments. He let in rapid breaths.

"Hyung. Even though you almost burnt my tongue off, it was delicious. Can we wait just a bit longer before we eat though?" Jin laughed and nodded.

Namjoon was going to wait longer for it to cool but Jin told him by the time he touched his food it was going to be too cold. They sat at the table and finished their lunch for the day.

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