Chapter 4: Departure

Start from the beginning

"Well wassa Galran kit his age eat?"

"Mostly meats and starches. I added hotdogs but pure Galra would need raw meat, I'm just afraid of giving it to him because I know you Humans can't eat it. Especially not this young."

He make a 'yuck' face at the mention of raw meat but other wise didn't say anything for a while. "He seems t'take after you in all but looks. Maybe worth a shot."

She cleaned the messy boy's face, much to his distain, and passed him off to his father before cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

"Hey there lil' fella. You givin yer mamma a hard time?" Keith giggled. "Don't be doin that ya lil' bugger. You be nice to yer mamma – Hey, what's this? Krolia?" He turned his attention to her and she saw the folded note in his hand. Keith made a motion to snatch it but he moved his arm out of reach.

"A 'Sam' stopped by and taped that to the door for you. I don't think he saw me."

"I've told him a thousand times not to pop on over. Wonder what was so impor – WOAH! We missed Colleen's potato salad? Damn, what a shame!" He looked like he was about to continue but was cut off in that moment by the phone. Heaving a groan he stood and crossed the room to where the phone was mounted on the wall. "Heeeello? --- Oh ya hey there Sam, got yer note. Too bad 'bout that potato salad. --- ya I reckon I'll eat the whole tub before it ever leaves Garrison property. --- Nah I'm sure they'll be fine with it. --- whattaya mean 'on their way'? --- Holy Fuc-fudgesicles. --- Ya he's right here haha --- Thanks fer the heads up."

Kolt had kept his tone light but Krolia felt the tension rolling off him as he hung up the phone and before she could say a word he had his free hand over his face, rubbing at his eye and letting a soft string of almost curses flow. "Garrison's on their way. Somethin' 'bout suspectin' sabotage of the crash site. Since our place is the only thing out here fer miles they reckon it was me. They ain't wrong, but they sure as hell ain't gettin' any details outta me. You best be hidin."

"What if they ask where I am?"

"I'll tell 'em ya'll stepped out." She nodded and looked over the horizon, the dust of approaching vehicles couldn't yet be seen which meant she should be able to make it to the Blue Lion's cave in time. "Hey babe, be careful kay."

Krolia smiled at him and left a soft kiss on both of their cheeks before slipping out the door and tearing off in the direction of her hideaway. She made sure to take a communicator with her; Kolt would send a message when the coast was clear.

She hid in the cave for hours. Using that time to work on the finishing touches to the fighter pod, and waiting for a signal from Kolt. The more time went by the more worried she became. A part of her began to regret having left Keith behind, what if things didn't go smoothly, what if him being there put him at risk. She should have brought him to the cave; she should have kept him with her.

At that thought she realized that she couldn't keep him away from the Humans forever, she was leaving and he would be left here to live a safe, peaceful life. A life that would involve Humans and would eventually put Keith directly in the path of the Galaxy Garrison. Suddenly she felt an overwhelming panic grip her chest. What if something happened to Kolt, no one would know how to properly take care of her son, they wouldn't know he was Galra but they would notice that he was different. What if they treated him poorly for it?

Kolt had mentioned her taking Keith along, but she had shot down the suggestion with vehemence, not wanting to bring her innocent toddler onto a military based to be raised as a solider. No, it was in his best interest to remain here with his father, staying on Earth with Kolt meant peace and safety and stability.

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