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Fett stood back in the shade of Slave I, watching as senators rushed to greet Riyo Chuchi. Another Pantoran, an elderly male named Baron Papanoida, hugged the senator tightly. Bail Organa of Alderaan also gave her a gentle embrace. The rest of the politicians Fett did not recognize. He scrunched up his nose in disgust. Chuchi was nice enough, but as a whole, he did not trust polticians.

"So, I guess this is where we part ways?" Jariok said to his left. The detective had been silent for a while. "You guessed right." Silj chuckled, although Fett didn't know what was so funny. "The army picked up Eelam. He had managed to get on a ship before the pad blew up. They picked him up in a cantina on the Ring of Kafrene." Fett nodded in response. They trailed off their conversation as Chuchi returned to them. She gave them both a warm smile.

"Thank you for rescuing me." she told them with a dip of her chin. Fett nodded back. "Just doing our job senator." Jariok said with a smile. She stepped back before turning away. Chuchi and the others retreated into the senate building as Boba turned his attention to the detective. Silj rubbed a hand on the back of his head.

"You know, you were a serious pain in the beginning, but honestly, you're a pretty good guy Fett." Jariok admitted with a smirk. "Tell anyone and I'll pay you a professional visit." the bounty hunter replied darkly. They stood there facing each other for a moment before Fett reached his hand out. Jariok took it and gave it a shake.

"Take care of yourself Boba." he said. Fett released his hand. "Do yourself a favor Silj and don't quit your day job." Jariok laughed. "I'll leave the bounties to you. I'm happy as a detective." he replied. "See you around." Fett put a finger to the brow of his helmet a flicked it outward in a goodbye. He stepped up into Slave I.

"Master Fett sir!" Eljay called. "Lord Jabba has informed me that he has your payment and you should return to Tatooine right away. There has been an update for your next assignment." "Thanks Eljay." he said. "We're gonna refuel and head straight there." Fett made his way into the cockpit and set his navi-computer to head for Anchorhead on Tatooine. He could have refueled on Coruscant, but he was sick of the planet and wanted to leave as soon as possible. He also could have refueled at Jabba's Palace, but it was cheaper to stop in Anchorhead.

Slave I lifted up and flew off into the sky. The second his ship hit the void of space, it launched itself into lightspeed.

Son of Mandalore (Bounty: Book One)Where stories live. Discover now