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"Well that was easier than I expected." Jariok said as they made their way through the rundown apartment building. "That's the power of a reputation." Fett replied. They weaved their way through the hallways and out onto the dark streets of the Underworld. Jariok's brows pulled together as the blended into the throng of civilians.

"I've never heard of Hondo Ohnaka." he said, mulling the name over in his mind. "Unfortunately I have." Fett replied, offering no background. "Are you going to explain? Partners, remember?" Jariok said. To his surprise, Fett was quiet for only a breath before he began to speak again.

"I had a few run ins with him in my early bounty hunting days." he recanted. The crowd pushed the detective backwards, so all he could see was Fett's cloaked shoulder. Jariok smirked. "Now was that so hard?" Boba turned his head. "Don't make me regret telling you." he said, a nearby sign turning his helmet green and pink.

"So anyway, we're headed to the Tashtor Sector then?" Jariok asked, not wanting to push his luck since Fett finally started to ease up. The bounty hunter made a fist at his side before releasing it. Fist and release, fist and release, over and over again.

"Possibly. If Ohnaka was headed to the Tashtor Sector, he was probably headed to Piron. But the Piron system's far from Brulin though... He would need to refuel." "Ok, where would he stop?" Jariok asked as he skirted around a large, intimidating species he didn't recognize. "The best place for a pirate to refuel out there would be Takodana." Fett said, his voice barely audible over the crowd. "Again, never heard of it." Jariok shouted back. It had suddenly gotten much louder.

"Maz Kanata has a castle there. She's efficiently run Takodana for thousands of years. If Hondo's anywhere in the area, she'll know about it." Fett replied loudly. Jariok rubbed his neck as he squeezed past a male Twi'Lek to Fett's side. "Yea, but will this Maz be willing to help us?" he asked. Fett didn't answer. He just kept pushing through the crowd.


They soon found themselves on Slave I leaving Coruscanti orbit. Fett flipped on the auto-pilot and spun his chair around. He pulled his helmet off and started examining something on the side. As Ruani's story about Fett being a clone echoed in his head, Silj found himself examining Boba's face for any similarities to the clones he had met working in the Empire.

He knew Ice, Ferral, Bear, Cody, just to name a few. Boba and the clones had the same coloring; tanned skin, dark hair, brown eyes. Boba's face, however, was more narrow. His eyebrows didn't curve as much and were lower, giving his eyes a darker look. His jaw was more pointed where the clones' jaws were square. Boba's nose turned up more than his brothers'. He also had a close cut beard that covered his upper lip, chin, and jaw, which altered his features in its own right. Jariok was just as amazed that Boba could look so different as he was that the clones could look so similar. Fett gave an angry grumble as he poked at a compartment in his helmet irritably, causing Jariok to realize he was staring. Silj was glad Fett didn't notice.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Fett popped something metallic out of the helmet. "The juun breaker's been cracked. Twice. It's throwing the whole system out of whack." he said. He stuck the pointed tool between his teeth as he reached for the polyhedrant bonding agent he used before. "Can you fix it?" Jariok asked. Fett squeezed some of it over the cracks.

"Temporarily." he said, the words muddled. He spit the tool out onto his hand. "But the entire breaker is going to have to be replaced." Fett took a small pair of pliers and removed one half a split wire. "Where can you buy one?" he asked as Boba pulled out the second half. "I can't, I'm gonna have to make one. It's a major pain, cause I modified the one I-" Fett cut off as the ship rocked to the side. The force of it wrenched his helmet from his hands.

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