01;The Boy in the Ice

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Do you know what's worst than getting no fish? Being hungry and not getting any fish.

Sokka had dragged me and Katara up from our lovely slumber to the ocean where a packed boat was waited at with two Spears inside.

" Come on. We're going to hunt breakfast." Sokka had said as he gets into the boat. His sudden weught making it rock a bit. " This morning were going to eat fish instead of Seal jerky." Katara gets in the boat without a fight, maybe she was too tired to fight?

" Sokka, it's too early for fishing. Why can't we get another hour of sleep before we go out to the water?" I suggested but he makes a noise of disagreement. " Fine. Fine. Only because I don't want to do any chores."

" I know." Sokka stated smugly before helping me into the boat. I sit next to the half-asleep Katara and began rowing towards the usual fishing spot which was a bit far from .The village. It was the usual place we would go fishing and usually we caught tons for a whole week. But today was not this day.

It has been five hours and we caught nothing. I stared at the water with a raised spear, but nothing came my way and was only met with my reflection and its empty stare. I am was so done, if Sokka doesn't catch another fish then I'll eat him. And tell Gran-Gran that a polar-dog ate him. " Sokka, if we don't catch a fish soon, I'll eat you whole." I said glancing at him in the corner of my eye but he was focused on the water with his spar raised eagerly to kill any fish.

" Hush, patience is virtue, Mirza." Sokka said as he kept his gaze locked to the water as I rolled both of my eyes. All I saw was one stone colored eye and one milky white eye staring back at me, no fish.

"You're not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, Katara, Mirza." Sokka said suddenly and I placed my spear down to watch him. "This is how you catch a fish." Katara watched then away as I watched Sokka, nothing really interesting to learn.

" Guys, Look!" Katara says as my attention focused to her and my eyes widen, she caught one using waterbending, one hand she was moving it in a calm pace. " Not now Katara!" Sokka says as he kept his focus on another fish. He was missing it! " But Sokka I caught one!" She tried to argue as she slowly brought it closer in a floating water orb towards the basket. I opened the top for her to put it in as she brought it closer but the water orb pops when Sokka's speared end popped it. 

" Ugh!"

" Hey!"

" Come back fish!" We let out our own cry of displeasure.

" Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get Soaked?" Sokka asked shaking his gloves to get the water out. I frowns as some hit my face and I quickly  wipes it off with a huff. I hated water on me when I didn't want it. 

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