Night Terror

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I couldn't fall asleep, even though Jake, Corey, and Colby went back to sleep I couldn't, I decided to sit in a corner, its better than doing nothing, I look at the extremely dark room, no lights, only windows and its dark outside, I don't know what time it is but all I know is that I've been here for hours and hours. I stand up and go to the nearest window, obviously, there is no glass, just metal bars, I began to just walk around, every step I took, I felt the cold floor just freeze my bare feet, it's painful, after about 5 more minutes of walking around I sat back down,

"Sam, what are you doing?" said Jake, yawning

"Fucking a girl" I say

"Yup, fuck you too" he says, I smirked, he obviously knew there was no girl down here and I just made him hard, before we got here, Jake was a fuckboy, and he didn't care if people called him a fuckboy, he liked it, because everyone knew his specialty... fucking girls, I stand up once again and I go to the locked door, I begin to bang on it, each time I banged, it got louder, to the point that Jake, Colby and Corey were shouting at me,

"STOP SAM" Colby shouts over my bangs, I stop, after a few seconds, I hear a footsteps coming down the stairs, I hear someone unlocking the door and I shut my eyes while smiling, I knew I was going to "therapy", the unlocking stops and the door swings open, I wait a second, no moving, no breathing, I open my eyes to see Delanye standing there,

"D-delanye?" I stuttered, shocked by this surprise, I run into her arms and hug her,

"Sam are you okay?"


"What's wrong?"

"I want out of here..."

"Don't worry Sam, ill get you out of this Asylum one day..."


"C'mon boys lets go back up to your rooms" she takes us up to our rooms when she put me in mine, I felt calm, I lie on my bed and fall asleep, entering a dream...


"Sammy... where are you?" my dad says, I hide in my closet, fear enters my body, I feel the sweat trickling down my face, I hear my bedroom door open, hot tears enter my eyes, I hear his steps come closer, everything around me becomes hot, he stops at the closet, I hold my breath, his breath is so loud, I peep through the cracks, he's holding a knife, his hand begins shuffling towards the closet handle, the closet begins opening, I haven't felt this many tears roll down my face, as the opened the closet door, he says "I found you..."

I jolt wide awake, screaming, Delanye runs in,

"Sam?!?! are you okay?!?!?"

"Yeah, just a bad dream, you can leave" she nods and begins closing the door

"Goodnight Sam," she says as she closing the door

"Goodnight Delanye," I say back, she fully close the door and I lie on my bed just think about the dream I just had, but the problem was.... this wasn't any ordinary dream... this happened to me in real life...

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