CH. 5

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Hi guys, it's been a while since I updated and I haven't been able to talk to my friends for and please don't think I'm ignoring you or something, so pls enjoy and I promise I'll try my hardest to meet you guys and now that's done I want to write a new story so you'll choose or vote for the next love couple
So see ya

Zuma met Arby and got into a conversation and had a brother talk and are going to meet the others.

"So, let's go shall we"said Zuma.
"Sure",replied Arby."they should all be eating bweakfast by now", said zuma as Arby tummy grumbled."I guess, youwe hungwy wight", said Zuma."no, I'm not" said Arby as he blushed."awww, youwe blushing"said zuma."no I'm not, stop it",pleaded Arby."alwight alwight, I'll stop baby"said zuma as they reached the kitchen."hi zuma, what you doing"said rocky."nothing much"replied zuma."okay, but come an eat you're breakfast, beside you need to eat properly to grow well I don't want you to be a sack of fur and bones"said rocky.
"Okay, okay stop I'm not a baby anymore"replied an annoyed zuma as rocky just chuckled."wait
Whose that, I know I've seen you before"said rocky as he pointed at Arby."he's captain sid piwate bud but it didn't work out quite well"said zuma."ohh, I'm really sorry, but don't worry u can stay with us"replied rocky."don't worry about it"said Arby."alright pups time for breakfast"said Ryder."alright, finally I'm starving"said rubble."you said it" replied Marshall."oh, hi captain sid pup *doo dooodooo—wait whaaatttt*",exclaimed Marshall while singing a little and what'ed
"What are you doing here"said chase."Ummm —I-i-i *whimper*",
Said Arby a little scared."c'mon chase youw scawing him, besides
Wydew brought him hewe,he's a stway, well not anymowe"said and shouted zuma."sorry, you're a stray, but I don't trust you and how dare you raise your voice for me zuma. I was just looking out for us"said chase."sowwy chase, I ovew weacted"apologize
d zuma."apology accepted, but if you ever do it again I'll do more than shout, I'll bite"said chase as he bit the air to scare zuma."I understand"whimpered zuma scared."now, that's all gone let's eat breakfast, lil bro"said chase as he changed from a scary demon to a loving brother."wow" said all the pups.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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