Chapter 3 - Through Touch and Sound

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Chapter 3 – Through Touch and Sound
Addie sighed as she hung up, hoping the ambulance would get to the person’s home quickly. Addie worked at the ambulance bay with Cal in the ‘Fast Response’ wing at the hospital, answering the phones when someone called for an ambulance; forever glad of the tablet she worked with that had voice recognition software and was hooked up to the hospital network so all she had to do was say the address and type of emergency and it typed it for her and sent it to the screens in the ambulances.

She smiled as someone set a mug of coffee down to her left where they knew she’d see it. “Hey Cal… thanks for that.” She added as she tentatively picked up the mug and took a gulp of the warm liquid within, letting herself relax for a moment. “How’s your day been?”

“Slow…mainly paperwork at my end.” Cal replied, sitting on the edge of Addie’s desk as Addie turned to look up at her. “What about you?”

“Eh. Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Addie nodded. “Most of the callers today could be treated at home and didn’t need to be brought in… but I’m pretty sure we’re going to have an elderly gentleman be wheeled in here in about ten minutes.”

“Any idea what it is?” Cal asked, the frown evident in her voice.

“Suffering from shortness of breath and a painful crushing feeling in his chest.” Addie shrugged. “My bets on a heart-attack.”

Cal hummed in response. “I wouldn’t bet against you there…” Addie took another gulp of coffee, taking another call as Cal looked through a file in her lap.

“Alright, an ambulance will be there shortly, keep him in the recovery position… yes, on his side ma’am…” Addie nodded as she listened to the woman on the other end. “Absolutely, I’ll notify the paramedics…everything’s going to be fine…” Addie double checked the address with the lady and then let her tablet type the address and kind of emergency for her, hanging up as she saw a light flick ‘On’ on her screen notifying her that an ambulance was on its way.

“Right,” Cal said formally as Addie leant back in her chair again. “Now that you’ve got a minute, I want to ask you something.”

“Fire away,” Addie replied, holding up a hand as she heard an ambulances’ sirens approaching, buzzing over the coms to alert staff of the new arrival. “I need a med team and Doctor Feinriche to the ambulance bay right now, thankyou.” Addie leant back again as she heard a door open jus down the hall and several sets of feet run past her desk area just as the bay door opened and a man on a gurney was wheeled in. “Sorry, okay, now fire away.”

Cal reached over the desk and took the paper work from one of the attending paramedics, signing it quickly before he dashed off again. “Right.” She crossed her arms across her chest. “What’s the go with you suddenly spending so much time at Ricky’s with Chris and Kuza?”

“Erm…” Addie shrugged, glad for once her eyes were dead so they wouldn’t give up her sudden nervousness. “Why?”

“Do you like one of them?” Cal asked bluntly, and Addie felt her cheeks darken. “Oh my God, you do!” Cal squealed. “Bout bloody time you fell for someone! C’mon then who is it? And what’s he like? Is he sweet? I bet he’s sweet!”

“Cal, shush!” Addie groaned, hiding her face as her friend, and housemate, laughed at her in a warm, light-hearted tone. “He’s… really sweet…and funny… and his laugh makes me smile and feel all warm inside…”

“Daww!” Cal giggled, hugging Addie briefly. “That’s so freakin’ adorable!” She gushed. “Who is it?! Is it Ricky and the others are there just to hang out? Wouldn’t surprise me, he’s had a crush on you for like forever, but-”

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