Chapter 2 - True Sight Isn't 'Seeing'

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Chapter 2 – True Sight Isn’t ‘Seeing’
“So How come we’ve never met Addie before?” Ryan asked Ricky pointedly, smiling. “I mean, she’s smart, funny, pretty… and you kept her to yourself? It gets one thinking about…why?”

“My fault…” Addie raised her hand tentatively, smirking as she felt someone, no doubt Ricky, grasp her hand and lower it back into her lap.

“How so?” Ryan asked her, curiosity evident in his voice…as was amusement.

“Well…” Addie shrugged. “Ricky’s, like, my best friend… but… my… condition, makes things difficult… and I hate feeling like a burden to those I care about… even if they say I’m not.”

“How could you ever be a burden?” Kuza suddenly piped up.

Addie sighed and tugged at her own shirt. “Do my clothes match?” she felt around for a moment. “Where’s my cane?” she raised an eyebrow. “Did you drive yourself here today? Do you cook for yourself? How about just changing the sheets on your own bed, or even being able to walk in a straight line or to the toilets by yourself?” she sighed. “The only thing I can do for myself without any help is sit in front of the piano at home and play that.”

“You play?” Kuza asked, an impressed sound to his voice. “How?”

“By ear…” Addie let her head rest back against the bus couch. “It’s my gift… as other tell me… to be honest, being able to do that is the only thing that makes me feel normal.”

“Trust me, you don’t want to be normal.” Ghost scoffed as he walked past.

“Don’t scoff at something you take for granted, please.” Addie said calmly, but she couldn’t entirely hide the hurt in her voice. They couldn’t understand the world from her point of view. Very few people could… so why did she even bother? “Ricky…could you call Cal for me please?”

“Sure, why? You feeling okay?” Ricky asked, a hand suddenly on her shoulder.

“No, I’m fine.” Addie lied through her teeth, just wanting to be alone again now. “I just need to go home.”

“Why don’t you let us take you?” Chris asked from somewhere to her left. “Last night of tour, we’ll all be heading back to our homes… let us drop you back.”

Addie grimaced. “Ricky…”

“And who’s Cal?” Balz asked curiously, his voice further away than the others.

“She’s my housemate… she’s a nurse.” Addie sighed, her cheeks heating slightly. “I’ve had a lovely day with you Ricky, I loved hearing the show, it was brilliant… but I’m exhausted and ready for home…”

“Alright, give me a minute.” Ricky answered quietly and she heard him stand and leave the bus.

Addie reveled in the pause in questions that had been thrown her way that night, her eyes closing as her hand gripped her cane tightly…until Chris’s voice beside her made her jump.

“Are you sure you’re alright… you sound… distressed, for lack of a better word.” Chris murmured softly beside her. “Did one of us say something to upset you?”

Addie let out a short breath. “I’m fine… I just don’t like people assuming they think they know what it’s like being me or know what I want…” she sighed as she heard the bus door open again. “I know that may sound self-centered or selfish or whiny or whatever, but it’s how I feel. I’m sorry if it’s any of that, honestly I am. I love your voice, I think your songs are so inspiring… but some unintentional comments hit harder than pointed ones.”

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