Chapter 1 ~ First Live Gig...

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Chapter 1 ~ First Live Gig…

Chris looked back to Ricky as it came to the last song of their set, only to find him staring off to the side of the stage… at Addie.

“Hey,” Chris nodded towards Addie as Ricky looked over at him; taking a swig of water. “She okay?”

Ricky nodded, but he didn’t seem certain. “I think so… but I thought I saw one of the others back there shove her…”

Chris looked over at Addie again and saw her turn her head to the side and smile, waving slightly at him and Ricky. “Well… she seems happy.” Chris took another swig of water as the crowd cheered. “Let’s finish this gig, then we’ll go check on her… though, I think she can handle herself.”

“Don’t get me wrong, she’s a tough cookie.” Ricky smiled, looking back at her again. “I just worry.”

“Fair enough…” Chris chuckled before turning back to the crowd. “You guys have been great today! Standing out there for nearly two hours in, what? Eighty six degree heat… just to watch us. We just want to thank you all so much…but this is our last song for today…and it’s a bit of a trip down memory lane!” Chris grinned evilly out at the crowd. “This… is We Only Come Out At Night!”


“Ricky!” Addie laughed as she felt a familiar, thin set of arms wrap around her middle and lift her up briefly. “Put me down!”

“Hmm…okay.” he chuckled as he put her down. “How’d you like the show?”

“You guys were awesome!” Addie grinned, turning her head so she could see him. “Best sound here.”

“Well thanks!” Addie jumped as she heard another voice right behind her.

“Who’s that?” she asked, smiling nervously as she turned her head again in an attempt to see behind her.

“Relax, it’s just Chris.” Ricky chuckled as he took her hand. “They guys already headed over to the bus again.”

“Ah, yes… the air conditioned bus.” Addie heard Chris chuckle quietly.

“Yay! Air conditioning!” Addie snickered, flinching when she felt someone poke her side. “Hey!”

“Oh, ticklish are we?”

“Now that voice I remember…I think…” Addie turned her head again, stopping when she could see Chris…and Kuza standing and smirking down at her. “Picking on the blind girl isn’t funny, you know?”

“Speaking of…” she saw Chris frown. “Why’d those guys push you during the show?”

“I guess they couldn’t see.” Addie shrugged. “Why?”

“Ah, because you nearly fell over onto the stage.” Kuza replied, looking at Chris when he eyed him curiously. “Yeah, I saw it too…that was no accident… that little shove was premeditated.”

Addie shrugged again. “People do things they don’t really mean… but, even if it was on purpose, they’ll get what’s coming to them… that’s how karma works.” She smiled then sighed. “Look, people test if I’m really blind all the time… I’m used to it.”

“You shouldn’t have to be…” Chris murmured sfotly.

“Yeah, you should be able to walk around and feel safe in the knowledge people would… I hope… look out for you!” Kuza’s voice was raised, so Addie reached up and shushed him.

“Shh, you wanna make a scene?” she asked, trailing her fingers over his face lightly as she let him speak again…smirking.

“What’s funny?” Kuza asked as she dipped her head slightly, trying but failing to hide her smile.

“You shouldn’t frown that way… you’ve got a nice smile…” Addie smiled up at him, what she could see over her surroundings blurry. “I’d rather feel that on your face than a frown.”

“Feel?” Kuza asked with a soft laugh.

“Yes, feel…” Addie nodded, extending her cane so she could walk. “It’s how I ‘see’… how I’ll know how you look…”

“I thought you could see… partially at least.” Chris’s frown was evident to Addie in his voice.

“Party, yes, but it’s blurred at best.” Addie smiled shyly as she held up her hand to Chris. “This is how I see… I can tell you’re tall, but I don’t know how you look…” she took a half step towards him. “Would you permit me?”

Chris smiled down at her as she reached up, leaning forward slightly. “Ah… sure…” Addie’s fingers trailed lightly across his face, always gentle; each curious brush of her fingers like a feather stroke against his face…and he smiled. “How do I look?”

“I’d imagine…cool.” Addie chuckled, her thumb brushing lightly over his bottom lip. “Did those hurt?”

“Not really.” Chris smiled, curious when she smiled with him. “What?”

“The way your voice sounds when you smile…” she replied, her smile brightening. “It makes me smile too…”

Chris felt his cheeks heat slightly as she pulled her hand back, but Kuza spoke before he could.

“Oh, man… now I feel bad for just looking at you…”

“Why?” Addie smiled past her frown at him.

“Because,” Kuza continued. “You’ve just got goodness oozing out of you.”

“Why’s that bad?” Addie laughed. “Or is that just unappealing in a girl to you?”

“No, no!” Kuza defended. “I just… I just…”

“He’s trying to say he feels really perverted while you’re around.” Ricky sniggered next to her, then sobered. “Yes, she’s polite, sweet…and a tad innocent…” 

“But I’m just like any other girl meeting any other guy.” Addie smiled. “Never judge by appearances, sweetheart.” Her voice turned sultry. “You never know what the sweetest person might secretly like…”

“Okay, first impression shattered by that voice!” Kuza laughed and so did Addie.

“Good,” she smiled. “Now… I think I heard the words ‘air-conditioned’ and ‘bus’…” she smiled shyly again. “Would it be dreadful if I intruded for a little?”

“Nope, you’re more than welcome.” Chris smiled at her cute, shy smile. “It’s hot as hell out here.”

“Yeah…” Kuza chuckled quietly as Ricky began leading Addie away, murmuring into Chris’s ear. “And I’d say that’s what you think of her as well…”


Hello my lovelies! So glad to see there's a few of you reading this :)

  I'd love to know your thoughts on the story, so do please comment; it really makes my day when I see a vote or comment from you guys.

  I'm still not 100% sure where I'm headed with this, but hopefully it won't become a sad feels fest like a couple of my others.

  Still, let me know what you're thinking!

Much love to you all!



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