Night Night Sweetie

Start from the beginning

"Who sent you down?" He asked and for a split second I stopped breathing. Nat looked at lost for words and just when they started reaching for their radios I spit out the first thing I could think of.

"Boss man did and you know how impatient he can be so can we get this moving?" I asked and they looked at each other for a second.

"You," the blue-eyed one said pointing to Nat, "go ahead but the girl stays here. I am not letting her pass unless the man himself is with her, he does that with every new employee no special treatment." Nat looked over at me nervously. I just gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.

"You can go ma'am I will just have someone teach me another time." I said but I know she could hear the bit of panic in my voices. She stepped between the two and walked quickly to the room and I stood there in front of two very intimidating guys. The one on the right smiled at me.

"Whats your name babe?" He asked. Peter quickly started speaking into the earpiece.

"Tell him you have a man who can be there in a minute and shove his little..." He begin but Steve cut in and told him to calm down. I quickly tried remembering my name.

"Maddie North, soon to be Maddie Parker tho." I said with a smile, his smirk fell for a second but was quickly back.

"Ah I hear you are engaged. Good relationship?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"That's great. How did you meet him?" He asked me again and these questions were slowly killing me.

"We meet at school but then he moved into my apartment complex and from there it just kind of fell into place." I replied quickly letting out a nervous chuckle. He nodded his head and rubbed his chin.

"Why don't you tell us about him?" The one on the left said. I panicked just a little.

"Oh he is um very sweet and also very protective. He doesn't like me talking to other guys tho." I said nervously and avoiding eye contact.

"Well how is he going to know?" The same person asked.

"Trust me he can find out almost anything he is like a little secret agent. I am pretty sure he would know exactly what I had for lunch and breakfast." I said laughing a little.

"Well I guess we will have to try harder." The military hair cut one said. I gave them a very confused look and they started walking toward me.

"RUN Y/N NOW!!" Peter yelled through my earpiece, "I am swinging over now." But it was to late they held me by both arms and I attempted to yell but they covered my mouth. Why do I keep getting into these situations. I was fighting against them and trying to get out but the way they were holding me made my movements very limited.

"Night Night sweetie." One whispered in my ear and pressed a point on my neck to make me pass out. I heard a door open then I hit the hard ground.

Peter's POV

I knew this was a bad idea if I went with her things would be different she wouldn't be in danger right now. Just a few more steps and I am right outside the door, I could hear her trying to fight against them. I heard someone whisper something and then kicked down the door just in time to see her drop to the floor. This enraged me, I could tell from her chest rising that she was still breathing and I let out a little breath of relief and I looked up at the two disgusting boys in front of me.

"Who are you?" They asked at the same time. I guess I am not as big over here then I am in New York. I cracked my knuckles and neck then slowly looked up at them.

"I am about to be your worse nightmare." I said calmly and slowly. They looked at each other then took their guns out pointing them at me. I laughed a little and quickly snatched the guns away throwing them to the other side if the room. I walked up to the blue eyed kid and he picked up his fist like he was going to swing at me. Once he got close enough I grabbed his fist and twisted it snapping his wrist in the process. I hit him twice in the face and he was out cold, just to be sure I kicked him in the side twice. The other one looked amazed and scared, but he still charged at me I quickly knocked him off his feet and he fell to the floor. I bent down at his side and picked his head up by his hair and tilted it to me.

"Who do you work for and why were you touching my girl?" I asked with rage coursing through me. He let out a low laugh and I hit his head on the ground earning a groan.

"Answer me now!" I shouted in his face.

"Your girl wasn't my idea but I was just gonna tag along for the fun of it. Do things to her that you could never." He said and I punched him in the face one time making his nose bleed.

"Don't even talk or think about her like that, only I am allowed to now who do you work for and tell me or so help me god I will cut your fingers off one by one and make you swallow them whole." I said pointing to each of his fingers slowly. The look on his face quickly changed.

"Alright I will tell you. He isn't that popular but you might of heard of him. His name Is Harrison that's all I know he isn't from here and I have never seen him before but I heard the boss talking with him on the phone. It was his idea to make weapons and drag some special team or something out here. We were also told to look for a Y/N Stark but we never found her. Until it clicked in me and my partners head that it was her." He finished pointing to a sleeping Y/N.

"What does he want with her?" I yelled in his face. Nat walked out of a nearby room and Bruce soon came rushing down the stairs. Nat saw Y/N and ran over to her while Bruce walked behind me.

"I don't k-know." He said but I could tell he was lying I gave him a good slap to the face and he spit up some blood.

"Hey man that's enough." Bruce said putting a hand on my shoulder but I jerked away from him.

"It will be enough when I get answers and make sure Y/N is safe. Now what did he want with her?" I said never taking my eyes off the dirt bag in front of me.

"He said something about taking her away and keeping her with  him. Letting the guys at work have fun with her and using her for money in the end." He said quickly. I picked his head up once so his ear was by my mouth.

"Night Night sweetie." I said then threw his head on to the ground. I walked over to Y/N and picked her up in my arms, swinging out with her to the lobby. Tony already had the people in charge arrested and I am guessing in the mean time Nat disabled the weapons. Tony and Steve walked over to me and looked down at Y/N who hopefully going to wake up any minute.

"I heard what you said kid. Thank you for being there to protect her." Steve says to me putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes thank you but you won't be doing anything to her like you said you could." Tony said and I just smiled and nodded. I walked with her in my arms to a car outside and they drove us to the hotel. Once I walked into the lobby she woke up with millions of questions but I brought her to our room and laid her down.

"You need to lay down for a little we will talk about everything later." I said grabbing clothes for a shower. I was about to close the door when she called my name.

"Peter is everyone safe?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. We were all safe...for now.

Hey guys I want to say thank you for 71K like thats crazy and I also want your opinions on what you want to see in the book. I am open to any suggestions and will gladly take some advice just don't be rude. Also to any kids who are in middle school enjoy it. I just started high school and I miss middle school soooo much. But anyway thank you and I love everyone of you guys.

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