New Bae? or Just friends?

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"Chapter 1"

Shonnie, Tanisha, and Horatio

|Part 29|


"Hey what's good y'all so my baby Jerry is doing fine he's still under the weather but I'm keeping him in prayer. So something new that I didn't mention to you guys is that I meet a guy back in disney world. It's nothing major because me and Jerry are still grieving from his father's passing last year. Ladies when I tell you he's so fine and so down to earth. He's also smart he's a cop which is cool to me because he can arrest me anytime of the day. Sorry y'all my fastness gets the best of me but yeah that's about it. crazy thing is he has a son who's four and his name is Micah. I didn't give him my number but we did bumped into each other here in Atlanta. God works in miraculous ways. The only thing is he has a baby mama and they are doing the whole co-parenting thing. Which is great just because they can't be together like intimate doesn't mean they have to be mean each other. Well that's all for me today have to go check on Jerry I love y'all but I wont let y'all meet him until part 2."


"Y'all I'm so happy right now ite so look I've been single for three years. I haven't really had a guy in my life really only because of Caden. But about a month ago I meet this guy named Horatio. Crazy thing is I know him like we dated back in high school. I was a freshman and he was a sophomore. We dated for three years around our last semester of junior year we had to break up. It was so hard for me and him because we were inseparable. I loved him hell I never stopped and neither did he. The reason of our break up was because he was moving to South Caroina and that was too far where I lived so we had to let each other go. We tried the long distance thing but it got too complicated for us. But now I have him back and he has me only problem is now is he has a girlfriend but she's an actor so she's busy all the time. He said he was happy but I knew it was a front. I wanna introduce him to Caden but one thing I learned from my older sister is that just because you knew someone back then don't mean that they are the same person you knew. Gotta be careful with that stuff because ppl crazy hell I watch lifetime movies so I know the game. Horatio owns alot of hotels like in New York he has three, in New Jersey he has four , in Detroit he had two and here in Atlanta he has six. He's trying to open a few in LA soon. So yeah he's pretty successful but today we are actually meeting up for coffee. It's seven thirty , Caden goes to his cousin house yeah I have a cousin y'all will get about her soon. After I go drop him off I'll be meeting up with Horatio."

"30 minutes later"

"So we got our coffee but we decided not to stay we decided to go for a nice walk in the park "

*In the park

"So Horatio owning a million of hotels all over almost" Shonnie said then she slipped her coffee

"Yas ma'am I'm trying you know I mean all my life well when I was a teenager I was into sports like football and basketball but I guess God had a different plan for me you know" Horatio said then he drank some of his coffee

"Yo that's so true I mean no lie you always had the body for an athlete I mean your dad was pretty serious about keeping you in shape" Shonnie said

"Horatio laughs"

"Man my pops was not playing he'd wake me up early in the am just to go jogging or running around the block I mean aye I ain't mad I'm glad he did because thanks to him I'm not no skinny ass dude you feel me I look huge like the Rock or something" Said Horatio then he drank some of coffee then started laughing

"He's a goofball y'all"

"Shonnie was going to say something but she drank her coffee too fast forgetting it's still hot and burner her tongue so they both died laughing"

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