Guilt part 2

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Chapter 1

|Part 21|

Diego, Blair, London , Darius and Asia

At Blair's house
(Her parent's went to the gym )

In the living room
(Diego and Blair are cuddling)

"Bae?" Asked Blair

"Wassup?" Asked Diego

"If I cheated on you would you have forgiven me like how I forgave you? " Asked Blair

"Yes babe ofc I mean it'd be only right" Said Diego

"Um" said Blair

"Clears throat and says, why do you ask?" Diego asked

"It was just a question Diego you can chill I would never" said Blair

"And Diego was quiet"

"We are watching our favorite show adventure Time I know we grown but it's a good show. We ended up falling asleep because we was tired we're in college now and it's been hectic. After a few hours of rest I didn't see Diego I looked outside and his car was still in my driveway. I sat back down to turn off the TV it was burning all morning I had enough. I relaxed myself on my couch as my phone was in my hand and I scrolled through Facebook. People making different posts. My life sucks, I need a car, who can do hair, change only comes when your truly ready to change, I want to be in a relationship but it's hard to commit and other posts that annoyed me. I sat my phone next to me and closed my eyes and tried to think about how happy I was with Diego. Then I hear a text message and a phone light up but it wasn't mine it was Diego's phone. I ignored it because I didn't want to be that kind of girlfriend that checks his phone.  I mean I knew I didn't have to because I trusted him. He never gave me a reason not too. But then I laid there and I said to myself this nigga cheated on you so that should definitely give you a reason to check his phone. Especially when his phone lit up again from a text message it wasn't saved but I checked all their conversations. Well not all but most I didn't cry my mom raised me to never allow people to see me cry it shows weakness. The texts were simple , I miss you, I miss you too, when are we going to "hang out again" , soon I promise, Blair won't leave my side it's hard for me to see you, and more bullshit. Luckily for him he didn't have the bitchs name saved because I was going to look her up. Diego was taking long in the bathroom that's only proof that his stomach was bothering him because mine hurts to. We had Chinese food, but when he comes out he had alot of explaining to do" Blair said

4 decades later

"Wassup bae your stomach was hurting too? Hey um did you see my phone I know I didn't bring it in the bathroom with me" Diego asked

"I pulled out his phone from my back pocket" Blair said

"Ohh wow there is thanks bae" said Diego

"So um I was just laying on the couch on Facebook but then I decided to lay my head back and just relax but your phone just keep on lighting up with a text messages from this unsaved number so I go and investigate and turns out you still texting the bitch that you cheated on me with"Blair said all calm

"Bae I know how it looks but I can explain she's not just someone I cheated on you with she's the girl that I was talking to before me and you started dating I know that doesn't make up for what I did but I couldn't bring myself to stop texting her" said Diego said

"She laughs and says wow you know I actually believed you were different I really wanted to believe that you was. I mean I did I trusted you and you broke my trust I mean of course your still texting her I can read between the lines that you love her, but I know you love me too and I know who she is that's Jada the Jada that I thought you stopped talking to three months before you told me that you wanted to be with me and I told you the same. The same Jada that you told me you lost love for but clearly you never have.  The same Jada that was pregnant with a baby boy and that's your son isn't it?" Blair asked

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