Something has to change part 2

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"Chapter one"

|Part 26|

*At Blair's house*

"Blair come here" Said Mrs Hudson

"Okay coming" Said Blair

"Blair goes into the living room where her mom is"

"Yes Mom" said Blair

"Sit down I want us to have a talk" said Mrs Hudson

"I'm okay" Said Blair sitting down

"So I know you have been having a hard time with this breakup between you and Diego but you just can't allow this to take over you" Said Mrs Hudson

"I know ma it's just I love that boy and he threw our love away when he cheated on me and still was texting her I've been trying to not think about it but it's hard because he's my first everything" Said Blair

"I know sweetheart that's how I felt with my first love his name was Lonnie Wilson he was tall, dark skin, handsome , had good grades and had dreams of becoming his own business man" Said Mrs Hudson

"Ohh okay ma go on" Said Blair

"We dated when I was sixteen and he was eighteen I hid him from my parents until I was eighteen and he was twenty crazy thing is my parents knew all along but they were upset that I kept it from them" Said Mrs Hudson

"Dang ma I never knew this you were sneaky back then" Said Blair laughing

"Her mom chuckled as well"

"Yes I was but around the time he turned twenty things got weird especially after he took my virginity on his birthday he was acting different and he only wanted to hang with me when he wanted some ass news got to me that he had a wife a freaking wife" Said Mrs Hudson

"Mom no you fr?" Asked Blair

"Yup see after his birthday his brother and him got super drunk basically he had a birthday weekend and when he was out having a good time he got married to this girl her name is Ari Logan and when I found that out I was upset especially when I heard that she was pregnant also that was his child hood crush but she moved to California with her parents because her dad got a new job" Explained Mrs Hudson

"Ohh my gosh ma I'm sorry" Said Blair

"Yeah so I tried to break up with him but it didn't work like I said he was handsome so when I tried to break it off he suduced me and around my nineteenth birthday he gave me a promise ring and apologized for what he did but before that he told me he divorced Ari and he did but he was still seeing her long story short they was still in contact he was still messing with me but I saved myself and instead of me being sad I went into the Navy and I was so happy that's how I meet your father and a year later you was born my love" Said Blair

"Wow ma I never knew any of that and what you went through is a little similar to what I went through thanks for telling me that but you wasn't sad at all?" Asked Blair

"You know I was sad but my dad always taught me like I taught you tears are for weakness now it's okay to cry but I didn't like crying because my dad and also my mom was struct on me about that so I'm going to tell you something else girl if you want to cry go head and cry because when I went away to the Navy I cried every night hell I couldn't do that at home so I thought hey I'm not home anymore I'm miles away so if you want to cry baby girl cry but don't ever let anyone see you cry" Explained Mrs Hudson

"And Blair did cry and her mom held her"

*AT Shonnies crib*

"Caden come here it's time to eat man man" Shonnie

*In Caden room*

A minute later


"HUH" Caden yelled

"Come here and eat your food I have your favorite spaghetti with turkey sausage" Said Shonnie

"Coming mommy I have to wash my hands" Said Caden

"Okay" Said Shonnie

*At the dinner table

"So how was school today man man?" Asked Shonnie

"Okay " Said Caden

"Um okay why okay?" Asked Shonnie

"I don't like school mommy" Said Caden

"I know baby but it'll pay off I promise" Said Shonnie

"I hope so mommy" Said Caden

"And Shonnie just smiled and so did Caden"


"So y'all my baby boy Jerry have been sick I don't know I think he got the flu so he's on bed rest I checked on him a second ago and I just want to thank God for everything he is about to do and for saving my son's life the flu is deadly so I'm glad he's okay I'll update you guys in a few days love y'all"

"Hope you guys are liking this story"

*At Engels house*

"Asia we can't keep doing this" Said Engel as he put on his boxer's

"I know I know I know" Said Asia putting both her hands on her face

"Asia are you crying?" Asked Engel

"No" Said Asia slowly crying

"Asia come on now please stop" Said Engel as he sat next to her on the bed holding her

"Asia gets up and gets dressed and heads for the door"

"Asia wait I just wanted to say I love you but we really need to stop because Yana really wants us to be a family and what we are doing is confusing the hell ouuta her shoot it's confusing me too" Said Engel

"I know Enrique it's confusing me too but I don't think I can stop I mean it'll be so hard but I can try for Yana" Said Asia

"You right and yes let's do this for Yana" Said Engel

"Thank you I'll see at Yana first sleep over I gotta meet these parents and her friends" Said Asia

"Bet drive safe" Said Engel

"I most surely will" Said Asia

*In Engels thoughts

"Man my baby mama is super fine got her business going with hair, nails and etc like she has always been wifey material and I lost her I mean I have her but I don't" Said Engel

*At April house

"Girl I have something to say" Said April

"What's up cousin?" Asked Blair

"I'm still in love Tyson but I don't want to be because he gave me a diesease" Said April

"I personally think you need to move on April I mean that's what I'm trying to do with Diego move on" Said Blair

"Yeah I need too but it's difficult I hide it all inside but your right I need to move on I can still love but I need to move on" Said April

"Yeah I know but let's make a deal if one of us start thinking about our ex let's call one another and let's also start writing in our dairy's the ones grandma got us last Christmas" Said Blair

"Deal cousin now let's go I have to get the dance studio I open soon I want you to finally meet my wonderful dancers" Said April

"More coming soon love y'all"

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