Chapter Twenty-Three

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Tegan's P.O.V.

Here I am, walking around with a tray of champagne in my hand and a towel hanging over my other arm. I hear constant whispers from the rogues that are attending this party. Some of the whispers include "wow, look at that blue hair," or "Is there really a human working as a servant here? Can't the master afford better help?"

Then there's me, dressed in a tuxedo and walking around this party filled with rogues, and you've guessed it, blue hair. Yes, I repeat, I currently have blue hair. At least I don't have to worry about sticking out. All the servants at this party have blue or red hair.

Me: Champagne?

I hold the tray out to this rogue with a shabby beard and glasses. He is one of the older rogues here and you can tell that he's about 200 years old.

That is now considered an elder because most of our kind barely lives to be over a hundred, well, considering that we can get away with murder.

Elder man: Yes, thank you. And what would your name be?

Me: My name is Scott.

Elder man: Well thank you for serving drinks here tonight, Scott. I hope that you will be thoroughly entertained tonight. Now excuse me.

The Elder walks away from me and I smile. Tonight will most definitely be entertaining.

Flashback 24 hours...

Me: I'm not doing it Dylan.

Dylan: Well, I guess it's a good thing that I'm not giving you a choice. We're dying your hair.

Me: But why blue? Why can't I dye it red?

Layla: Blue is better anyways. We have to dye Ashlyn's hair red though.

Now, you're probably wondering who Layla is. Well Layla is Dylan's human girlfriend. He invited her over to my house so she can dye Zachariah, Jackson, Dylan, and my hair blue. Then she's going to dye Ashlyn's hair red.

Why you may be wondering? Well this is where the situation took a turn. After Garret sent out a search party for Nadia, we followed the rogues scent all the way to the next state over where we found out that they had a ball that they were throwing.

They should've gone back to The Kingdom to throw this party because they're celebrating the fact that they tracked me down and captured my mate. Nadia is scheduled to be executed at the ball, in front of every other rogue that attends.

Now, don't think I'm a bad mate because I decided to dye my hair blue instead of marching over there and taking my mate back. It isn't that simple. There are nearly 500 rogues that have taken over the town the ball is supposed to be in. They would be able to take me down without even trying.

But somehow, Alpha Andy ended up getting us the opportunity to be server's for the ball.

There's one exception though, the male server's have to have blue hair and the females have to have red hair. Don't ask me why, rogues are just that weird.


That right there is how I ended up being held down and having Dylan's girlfriend dye my hair blue.

Alpha Andy: Now, I need you guys to mask your scents and act like humans.

Ashlyn: I can't mask my scent.

Alpha Andy pulls out a flask of perfume and sprays her with it. After he was done, he turned to me.

Alpha Andy: Can you tell she's a witch now?

I sniff the air and only catch Dylan and Jackson's scent. Not Ashlyn's.

Me: Nope, she's good. I can smell Dylan and Jackson though, when's the last time you guys took a shower.

Dylan: Watch it Tegan!

Jackson: We've never showered together.

Zachariah and Ashlyn burst out laughing and Alpha Andy has a small smile on his face. I have a huge smirk playing on my lips and Dylan is glaring daggers at Jackson.

Ashlyn: Haven't been that far in your relationship yet?

Dylan's face loses its color and Jackson looks like someone told him that he has a monkey dressed as Juliet on his head.

Me: Anyways, let's get going. We have to run and this place is still a few hours run.

Everybody nods and then we're off.


Hello my lovely readers :)

This chapters dedication goes out to a lucky fellow named PatrickThomas1.

Congrats Patrick :)

Now! Onwards to the next question...

A more difficult question at that and only true Dragons vs. Wolves fans would know.

But it's easy enough to look up also, but only if you know how mwahaha! >:)


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