Chapter Twenty-One

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As soon as we left the hospital, Nadia drove us back to my house. Tessie decided that she was going to stay at Jordan's until school tomorrow, and Dylan's parents were fine with it.

When we walked in the door, Dylan and Jackson went straight to the game room to play Call of Duty and Nadia and I went up to my room. I know what you're thinking and no, nothing like that was going to happen. For some odd reason, her heat calms down just having me near them.

I turn my door and push it open so Nadia can walk in first. She just stands there, examining my room. I walk past her and go to put my favorite movie of all time in. I figured that she would enjoy this movie too since I have yet to run into anyone that doesn't.

Once the movie is in, I go lie down in my bed and wait for Nadia to join me. She's still looking around my room but she notices me lying there and joins me soon after.

The movie starts rolling and her face goes from being bored, to excited, within seconds.

Nadia: The movie you wanted to watch while cuddling was Shrek?

I smile at her.

Me: Of course, who doesn't like Shrek?

Nadia: Nobody.

During the movie, we cuddled, talked, and mocked the movie. After the movie was over, we talked about us.

Me: Okay, so you know we're mates?

Nadia: Obviously.

Me: But you don't want to be with me?

Nadia: I do.

Me: Then what's going on?

Nadia: I'm worried. You're a runaway from your kingdom but you plan on taking it back over. I'm the third in command here. What will happen when you get your kingdom back?

Me: We will align ourselves with the Starlight Pack and any other pack that helps us out.

Nadia: But what about us?

I look at her and see the worry in her eyes. I take her hands in mine and stare into her eyes.

Me: I would hope that you go with me back to my kingdom.

Nadia: What about my position here?

Me: Garret will find someone to take it.

Nadia: Like who?

I open my mouth to reply to her but shut it again. The perfect person popped into my head.

Me: What about Dylan?

She looks like she's thinking deeply about it.

Nadia: What if he wants to go to The Great Dragon and Wolf Kingdom with us?

Me: He can always visit or we can come back here. He'd be third in command. He'll be allowed to travel.

Nadia: That would work.

Me: So what about us?

Nadia: I like the thought of us.

I smile and take her face into my hands. This would be the perfect time to make our first kiss better than what it actually was.

Pulling her face towards mine, I press my lips gently against hers. She instantly tries to deepen the kiss, but I don't want her heat taking over. I pull back a little and she groans in response. After I pull away, I look at her to see her still sitting there with her eyes closed. A laugh slips out of my lips and her eyes shoot open.

The Return to Black Woods (Dragons vs. Wolves: Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now