Meeting supposed family

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I accidently tripped on a bit of my ripped skirt, landing myself straight into the back of a man in a long and satin black coat.

Standing I was muttering my apoligies profusely. "I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did that! And to a man like you, oh my goodness, ahh, I am so sorry, please believe me, don't turn me in to the ministry! I'll do anything I swear! I promise I'll be good! You don't have to tell anyone!"


I stared down at the child, who was poorly grovelling at my feet. By the end of her sentence she started to weep uncontrollably. To hush the child and not cause any attention to myself, I ushered her head up to assure her that she needn't worry so much.

As I lifted her up, I gasped. Could it be? No, stop being silly, I thought. There is no way this could be the lost child of my sister-in-law. Although, I realised my hand hand been holding onto her upper torso for a while. I immediately released her and confusion flashed across her features.

It was like she was thinking the same thing as though we both knew each other. I uttered a quick glance throughout the alley, noticing that a twelve year old Draco was peeping over my shoulder at the girl with an expression of avid interest.

Hmm, I pondered. Surely no one would notice if I invited this child to my home to come to some conclusion of her heritage. However, Lucius was too hasty and hadn't in fact checked the interior of Borgin and Burkes where a certain young boy with circle spectacles was watching the scene, also with curious eyes.

"Dear, how about you come along  with me to my prestige manor?" There is glorious food and perhaps a change of clothes to fix your apparel..." At this statement, Alesso's cheeks burned of embarrassment. She did seem shabby and dirty because of being alone for many years.

Lucius chuckled at the expression of befuddlement on the young girls face. "Now, before we go sweetie, I must know one thing that will ultimately allow you to travel with me" She peered up again from her embarrassment, her hair going back to normality as it cascaded down her back in thick curly waves.

"I require your name, so I can know for certain before I introduce you to my wife and family", he glanced at Draco who had now a bored expression because of his father's use of elaborate formalities.


He wanted to know my name. Why? There's nothing important about it, it's not like it can determine any type of status. But oh well, I was desperate to get off the cool streets and away from the rest of the stragglers that lined the streets of Knockturn Alley and this man certainly looked rich enough to carry through with his deal.

"My name is Alesso, just Alesso... I don't know of my last name...My friends call me Ales (A/N: pronounced like Alice),  I mean that would be if I had any friends, haha... no" My awkwardness just buried me into a deep hole. Ugh, stupid Ales, why can't you just keep your mouth shut for once, you definitely ruined it this time, now he's going to leave.


However, Lucius just smirked at the child's foolishness and offered her his arm, which she took with a grace that not even her mother could accomplish. Lucius was certain that this was her child... Who else could it be? Nonetheless, I granted her the opportunity to come along and have a greater purpose in her life....

Hey everyone, so I hope you like my story! It's my first one hehe.. I'm trying my best but I'm still learning better ways to write.. So if you like it, please comment or vote! I would love to hear some feedback so I can keep the story going.

Thanks,  Dell :) :D

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