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Spinel sniffles and pulls away from Steven.

"I... Yes.. yes I ran off..."

She stared at the ground, shifting uncomfortably.

Steven questioned, trying to get an answer. He was very aware Spinel was going through rather rapidly changing moods, but he was desperate.

"The diamonds, I don't think they want me. I'm just the last resort they found after... pink...died.."

She continues to sniffle, tears threatened to fall again. This was too much. Too many memories. Too many feelings. Too much attention. She didn't like this very much...

"What else...?"
Steven asks again.

"Alot of homeworld isn't happy some defective Spinel, is helping alongside them..."

"But you're rare! And thats cool! Right???"

Steven was struggling to stay positive like he usually was.

"Aparrently not... Things happened... other bad things... So I ran.. and I ran... And I ran... Warp pad after warp pad..."

Her voice was shaky as she explained what happened, she turned from steven, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"... And then I made it to those woods, i ran in deep with a rock, or a stone, maybe even a boulder... I don't remember... But... I do remember what I... Did to myself there..."

Steven put two and two together, and the truth hit him hard.

She.. she had tried to kill herself...

It all makes sense to me now, why she was acting so strange, and why her gem was in such a horrible state.

"I...I don't know what to say..."
He began, the right words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He was in too much shock.

"It's alright, I wish it worked too."
She replied, flat and bluntly.

"N-no! No! Spinel! That's not what I meant!"

He continues to stutter and stumble on his words.

She just looks away, hot tears roll down her face again.

Oh how great Spinel.
You're crying again.

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