Glossary of New Terms

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Athena-Terrestrial planet orbiting Olympus.(fiction)

Apesanteur - A newly discovered elementary particle.(fiction) For the atom's mass.

Artemis -Terrestrial planet orbiting Olympus.(fiction)

Fuinneamh- A newly discovered elementary particle.(fictionalized by the author)Making trace particles as a path.

Hestia-Terrestrial planet orbiting Olympus.(fiction)

Hiraeth- is a Welsh concept of longing for home. 'Hiraeth' is aword which cannot be completely translated, meaning more than solely "missing something" or "missing home." It implies the meaning of missing a time, an era, or a person - including homesickness for what may not exist any longer.

Olympus -Host star similar to Sun. (Fiction)

Theosivision- A gadget they use similar to the television.(Fiction)

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