Chapter 11

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This is Lex but he will have green skin and purple eyes.....

Revenge of the Sith....3 Years later....

Myra's POV
"They're taking too long!" My Padawan, Lex groaned.

"Calm down, they're be here." I said but I couldn't agree with him more.

"Don't get stressed, Myra. Remember?" Terri said as she cross her arms at me.

"I know." I sighed.

I still haven't told Anakin about my pregnancy. Terri is pregnant as well so she haven't told Obi-Wan about it yet. After we rescue the Chancellor and return home, we will tell them.

Speaking of them, they crashed inside the ship, a few feet from where we are. And out came Obi-Wan, Anakin, and his Padawan, Ashoka Tano.

"Surly hope, Lex and the girls hasn't beaten us here like last time, Master." Anakin told Obi-Wan.

Ashoka looks at us and she smirks. I giggled which I went behind Anakin and covered his eyes.

"Think again." I smirked.

"How did you guys get here before us?" Obi-Wan and Anakin both asked.

"Someone has to clean up the droids before you guys got here. And that cleaning job is what we did while you guys had fun." Terri crossed her arms.

We made our way down the halls until we spotted an elevator. Then, we were greeted by destroyer droids. We took out our lightsabers and block their blaster shots until we reached the elevator and went inside.

"Drop your weapons Jedi." More droids.

"Don't worry, we will clean up the mess we missed." Terri mocks as me and her slice all the droids.

After that, the elevator stops.

"What happened?" Lex asked.

"I don't know. R2, active elevator 3114." Obi-Wan told R2 through the comlink. He keeps repeating until I thought of an idea.

"Terri, give me a boost." I demanded her.

She did and I cut a hole on the roof, using my lightsaber. I jumped out and following me was Terri, Lex, and Ashoka.

We started to scale the elevator shatter before we come face to face with the barrels of two blasters.

"Freeze!" The droids said.

The elevator begins to move which made me panic. We all flipped off the wall and jumped back inside the elevator one by one. Anakin and Obi-Wan both turned around, lightsabers ready to attack.

"Oh, it's you guys." Obi-Wan muttered.

"Oh, were you two expecting someone else?" Terri crosses her arms as she asks.

"Oh, really?" I did the same.

Anakin and Obi-Wan looked at each other before smirking at us. Which I felt like dying from.

"Why would we want somebody else when we have two of the most sexiest women in the galaxy?" Anakin asked, he sounds so seductive and hot.

Both Terri and I blushed as both men kissed us. Right in front of Lex and Ashoka.

"Oh, crud. Not again!" Lex fakes gagged.

"Hey, we are in a middle of a mission right now, Master. Can you and Master Kenobi put your horny desires aside until we get back home." Ashoka said as she smirks which caused us to pull back.

"Shut up, snips." Anakin growled as he blushed. So did Obi-Wan. That alone caused all of us to laugh at them.

Eventually, we made it up the top floor and tracked down the Chancellor where he is cuffed to a chair.

"Chancellor." Obi-Wan said.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Count Dooku." was all he said as he looked behind us. We turned around and here he was, with 2 droids by his side.

"This time, we will do it together." Obi-Wan muttered.

"I was about to say that." Anakin whispers back.

"Get help. You're no match for him, he's a Sith Lord." The Chancellor cries.

"Chancellor Palpatine, Sith Lords are our speciality." Terri assures him. Then, we shrugged our cloaks off, making movements more accessible.

"You swords please, we don't want to make a mess of thing in front of the Chancellor." Dooku chuckled as he jumps down from the balcony.

"You won't get away this time, Dooku." Obi-Wan said.

"I've been looking forward to this. More forward to he finally fighting Padawans." Dooku said as he eyes Lex and Ashoka. They both snarled at him.

"You won't get that moment. Anakin's powers and mine have been doubled since the last time we met, Dooku." I snarled at him and he chuckled at me.

"Good. Twice the pride, double the fall." He said, turning on his red lightsaber and we all attacked.

But however, he was real quick. Dooku Force pushed Obi-Wan and then, Terri across the room and they got knocked out. He pushed a big piece of machinery on them, by using the force. Then, he force push Lex and Ashoka as well. It was just me and Anakin. We keep on striking him, each time we were getting stronger while he is getting and weaker and sloppier. Perfect.

"I sense great fear in you, Young Skywalker. You and your wife both have hate, anger but neither of you don't use them." Dooku uttered, trying to get in our heads.

I smirked as I grabbed his wrists while Anakin slice both his hands off, catching his lightsaber and formed an 'x' in front of his neck.

"Good Anakin. You too, Myra, good. Kill him." The Chancellor demanded.

Anakin looks at me and I mouthed out 'no'. "Kill him now, Anakin." The Chancellor was pressuring him as I stared at him.

"I will not kill him." Anakin said as he walks over to the Chancellor and freed him.

I smile as I place handcuffs on Dooku. "He's too dangerous to be kept alive." The Chancellor said.

"And so? He's has no hands. He'll be fine or I slice off his manhood. And I don't mean his head." I smirked at Dooku as he shakes his head in fear. Anakin chuckled at my statement.

"We got Terri and Obi-Wan. We should leave before more droids show up." Ashoka said as she carries Terri on her shoulders while Lex carries Obi-Wan on his. They're still alive but unconscious. I really hope Terri's unborn child is still alive.

"Leave them. We must go." The Chancellor said.

"Their fate will the same as ours." I said as I help Dooku as we leave the room.

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