六- liù

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felix groaned and sat up, "holy crap my neck

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felix groaned and sat up, "holy crap my neck..." he looked to the side to see chan sleeping on his bed. 

"wait why is it like that?" he sighed explaining it again for the third time. "wait I've never seen that before, hold up." the older said grabbing the book, "what is this??" making felix laugh, "you've been here for how long? 7 years?" "shh, I have never seen this....." the two laughed, enjoying each others company. "hey oppa, look at this, it talks about the noona and unnie thing in here you talked about to me. hey, it's got oppa in here as well, and hyung? isn't that your nickname?" 

he panicked, "you know, you know this stuff already so you can go to the next chapter, this is the important chapter." felix nodded, obeying his tutor. "saved" chan mumbled. 

 3 hours later...

"what's the time felix?" he yawned, getting no response he sat up on the bed looking at the boy. finding him sound asleep on the table. he smiled and yawned again dozing off completely forgetting that he wasn't in his own room.

memories of last night reappeared in felix's mind making him smile. he looked at the clock knocking him out of his trance. 


"SHIT!" class started over an hour ago. chan was startled awake and ended up falling off the bed, "who's dying!?"

"IT'S 8:58! 9! 8:59!" felix ran around panicking pushing chan out of the room so he could get changed. chan on the other hand yawned and walking slowly to his room laughing about the commotion felix was making. In a matter of minutes, felix had already dashed out of the room and to the school, making chan laugh even more, "he's not even gonna make it to first period, probably late for second as well." 

the older smiled and stared at his wardrobe, "if I'm gonna be late, better make it fashionable~"


"I'm so sorry I'm late!" felix apologised bowing a hundred times. the teacher on the other hand kept telling him 'it's fine' or 'don't worry about it' despite that, felix kept apologising, he absolutely hated being tardy, and it was worse since he was new. he would bow to the point where hyunjin had to stand up and physically drag the blonde male to his seat. 

"did I miss anything?" hyunjin just stared at him blankly, "it's math, what's there to miss?" making both the boys chuckle, "in all seriousness, it's just the first chapter, you can revise easily with the textbook so don't sweat it." he grinned and felix nodded focusing on the board taking notes. 

chan was passing by their classroom and peered in looking specifically at a special someone. he couldn't help but notice that felix was so focused, he didn't seem like that person at first but he's quite studious. he stood there smiling for a while before the male turned his head towards chan's direction making him panic and immediately duck, causing him to bump his head into the window frame. the whole class looked towards the door and chan quickly snuck away to his class unnoticed. he sighed before walking in slowly, "outside, hands above your head, I hope you have a good reason for being late. seems like you don't." the teacher said eyeing the boy up and down.

chan let out an awkward laugh apologising and stepping outside with his hands out sighing. "it was worth it, all of it" he smiled, clearly not just talking about the classroom incident.


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