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luke. is property of @dimple-ashton and should not be copied, stolen, or translated without my permission.

this includes themes of suicide and self-harm. read at your own risk.

four books in this series. order does not matter. you can find all of them on my profile





this has been translated into: 

italian by  liukfes

spanish* by maggie_styles_hemmo

czech by penguin_bravis

turkish* by flopgoddess

please check those out if they would be easier for you to read

i update this translations list every month. for more update translations, you can check out my "translations" reading list. if you would like to translate a story of mine, please message me with which story and what language. there is a 90% chance i'll let you translate

*the whole series is translated

i've seen a lot of these but i was bored.
this took me about ten minutes to write so enjoy.

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