weekend away

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It was the weekend after calllums birthday so it was there weekend away that Ben had booked and planned for the both of them, they were in bed, Callum was asleep in bens arms, Ben was awake, softly watching his boyfriend sleep. Callum felt eyes on him, softly opened his eyes and tightens his grips around Ben, and tiredly smile

"Morning" Callum says still half asleep

Ben chuckles " morning baby" leant forwards and softly kisses his forehead.

" what time are we leaving,". Callum asked has he moved closers to Ben.

Ben smiles as he opened his arms and wraps the arms Callum," Twelve"

Callum nods as he lays his head on bens chest." Breakfast in the cafe with lex"

Ben nods " sounds perfect baby" as he presses a kiss on the top of Callum's head.

They both get up, Ben checks on lexi, then both jump in the shower, they shower together, get dressed Ben puts the bags in the boot of the car that Parked in front of the parlour.

Callum softly knocked on Lexie's door, and walked in " morning princess"

Lexis looked at him, as she was putting her shoes on "morning cal"

Callum picks her up " i am buying breakfast at the cafe, you, me and daddy"

Lexi smiles " yay! cal can I ask you somthing"

Callum chuckles" of course darling" 

Lexi wrapped her arms around his neck" are you going to leave us"

Callum was a bit taken back " what leave you and daddy"

Lexi nods" daddy smiles a lot when your around, he doesn't cry anymore, "

Callum smiles at her words" im not going anywhere princess ok, you and daddy are stuck with me now"

Lexi smiles a little" you promise"

Callum nods" I promise you princess"

ben was stood outside the door or lexis room with tears in his eye hearing Lexi speak, the three of them went to the cafe, order their breakfasts Lexi was sat on bens lap

Ben kisses her head" princess why are you worried that cal is going to leave us" 

Lexi looked up at Callum who was just a confused as she was, she then looked at her father

Ben smiled" I heard you baby"

Lexi sighed " your happy when he is around, you smile a lot, you don't cry anymore, not like you use to, a few months ago" 

ben smiled slightly" im happy because myself and cal are together sweetie, i smile a lot because he is with us because he makes me beyond happy, and i use to cry a lot because i was close to not having this what we have now, i was close to losing Callum at first"

Lexi looked at Callum" you weren't going to be with daddy"

Callum softly shook his head" no, if you remember darling i was with a lady called Whitney, and at first, I didn't have the confidence to tell anyone that I wanted to be with your daddy" 

Lexi looked between them both " and you do now"

Callum smiles and nods" of course princess,  me and daddy are beyond happy ok, so you don't have to worry about anything, don't have to worry about daddy ok"

Lexi nods and cuddled on to ben,

ben wrapped his arms around Lexi and kisses her head" our little family baby, isn't going to stop ok,  nothing is going to get in the way of our little family" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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