My world

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It was callums birthday in a few days, and Ben wanted to do something for his birthday so he booked a weekend away for the weekend after his birthday, arranged for Lexi to stay with Lola..

Callum looked at Ben "what's going on then, because you planning something I know that look"

Ben looked at his boyfriend and chuckles" okay okay, it's your birthday in a couple of days and i have booked us a weekend away.. I want you to my self without anyone to distribute us, lex is staying with lola"

Callum smiled" we don't need to do anything for my birthday"

Ben chuckled and stood up and walked towards him" let me spoil you darling"

Callum chuckled" okay okay fine you can spoil me" leans forward and kisses Ben

Ben smiled throughout the kiss, they pulled away with the heard the door go

Callum chucked" cant wait for that weekend away"

Ben chuckled " tell me about it"

Callum went to the phone and answered it " yeah"

Jonno smiled a little" son it's me"

Callums face droped" dad"

Ben looked at him, and Mouthed" it's okay"

Callum took a deep breath " come on in" He hit the buzzer and put the phone down

Ben saw the fact he was scared, walked over to him and places a kiss on his forehead" im here okay"

Callum nods and looked up at him dad

Ben turned around as well and comes face to face with Jonno

Jonno" hello ben"

Ben nods" jonno"

Jonno Looked at Callum" you ok son"

Callum nods" yeah why"

Jonno shrugs" no reason"

Ben looked up at Jonno protective mode kicked in" what do we own the pleasure"

Jonno looked around the flat" do you live here ben"

ben shake his head" no I just stay here somedays and lex stays as well"

Jonno was shocked" oh"

Ben was confused at his reaction" what cant I stay at my boyfriend's house or sometthin"

Jonno was shocked at the word boyfriend" boyfriend so you two are serious then, I knew you were together but I didn't expect the term boyfirend"

Callum was annoyed" yes we are serious, was term would you prefer then dad, lovers, partners"

Jonno looked at his son " I didn't mean it like that callum"

Callum shook his head" really"

Jonno signed" look I am sorry ok, I came here today to try and have a more understanding about you two, about you Callum, about you being gay,"

Callum scoffed" what more is there, im attracted to blokes, it's not rocket science dad, and what more is there to understand about me and ben other than we are together and we are in love with each other,"

Jonno looked at them" love"

Ben rolled his eyes" oh god we are surprising you today aren't we"

Jonno nods" just a bit"

Ben looked at his boyfriend then at Jonno" look you can stay and talk to us but you don't upset or annoy cal any more"

Jonno looked at his son and saw the tears in his eyes " Callum"

stop worrying and kiss meDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora