the parents

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it was the day that Ben and Callum had planned to talk to the parents, ben and Callum was at the breakfast table at the flat with Lexi, eating and talking, 

Callum was scared and ben saw this,

Ben smiled and placed his hand on Callums" I won't let you fall, baby"

Callum smiled" I just don't want to lose this, lose you"

Ben turned towards his boyfriend" and you won't I promise, I will be by your side till you tell me to leave and even then I won't leave you without fighting for you"

after breakfast, it was time to go and see Phil and Sharon, they walked hand in hand with Lexi walking in front of them jumping in puddles and making both of them laugh. they arrived at Phil's and knocked on the door

Phil answered and chuckled" why did you knock son" motions them to come in 

they followed him in

"I just thought because you hadn't spoken to me since the wedding " ben said sadly still holding callums hand, 

Phil smilies " I was getting my head around it son,"

Ben nods" and have you"

Phil nods and smiles" yeah, of course, I have" he looks towards Callum" welcome to the Mitchell family Callum"  

Ben, Callum and Lexi smile 

Callum smiles" thank you, Phil"

After a few hours, the Mitchell's was all having lunch ben and Calum included grant had returned to the square, with sam the both meet Callum, 

Phil looked at Callum and ben " you got to go and see your dad, Callum"

Callum nods

Phil saw how scared he was, saw ben kiss his forehead and tell him that he wouldn't let him fall" get him to come here, if he started then we are here"

Grant agreed with his brother" us Mitchell's stick together, and you to aren't going to be doing this on your own"

Ben looked at them both" are you sure dad, after the last time we come in connect with Cal's dad"

Phil nods" im sure son" 

Callum texted his dad, and told him the address and that they needed to talk and after an hour he arrived and Phil opened the door and invited him in. both of them walk into the living room 

Jonno walked in and looked around the room, looked at Sharon, to sam and grant to Dennis and Lexi to Louise and Keanu then to Jay, Lola, Ben and Callum " what's all this" 

Callum took a deep breath " I need to tell you, something dad" 

Jonno nods" ok" 

Callum looked at ben and smiled as he holds his had out for him

Ben smiled back and takes his hand 

Jonno clicked " you are joking" 

Callum shook his head" no dad im not" 

Jonno was angry" I told you once before to stand away" 

Ben looked at him" I don't listen to bullies " 

Jonno looked at Ben" your pushing it mate"

Grant took a step forward

Ben chuckled" im not your mate"

Callum was getting annoyed" stop it, dad, I know you are not going to like this, but I don't give a damn any more, im  going to be with him whether you like it or not"

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