chapter two

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All might pov
I was wondering down the hall and saw midoriya and bakugou talking but that's not what surprised me what surprised me was midoriya grabbing bakugou's hand every and then disappearing

Izuku pov
So Im taking kacchan to see sairs let's see what happens

Izuku: sairs I'm here

Sairs: well aren't you early today oh looks like you've got a friend

Bakugou: who the hell are you and why do you bring me here nerd

Izuku: can you please check if I have my mate hear

Sairs: I'm going to say Yes

Izuku: cool also what are we doing later today like what training-wise

Sairs: basic strength training we might also train your new quirks as well

bakugou: what the hell is going on here what are you even doing you  nerd

Sairs: oh my let's talk about you and why you are hear for you're this guy's  mate '  points at izuku' basically what that means is it that you are to be his soulmate do you understand me

Bakugou: what the hell are you

Sairs: vampires

Bakugou: oh hell no
Izuku: 'eyes turned red'. Kacchan you're driving me insane right now let me bite you ' show's  fangs' please

Bakugou: oh wow those are Sharp it's kind of freaking me out a little

Izuku:is that a yes or no

Bakugou: I have no choice do I so just do it

Izuku: thank you but there's one more thing I have to do

To be continued

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