rumors are not always true

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Kirishima: guy's All might just told me that sairs is a villain

Sero: bro I think that's wrong she seems way too nice to be a villain

Jiro: yea and she's close to   izuku

Denki: yeah and these cufflips don't hurt

Utaraka: hey has anyone seen duku-kun

Tsu: yeah we were supposed to head out a few minutes ago

Lida: yeah it's bakugo's initiation night

Todoroki: maybe he'll meet us there

Bakugo: I still can't believe you and for eyes over there are dating

Todoroki: yeah I know it's kind of weird how it started

Lida: you mean you just walking up to me saying I love you with this Stone Cold look on your face like why

Bakugo: hahaha

Izuku: *comes up behind bakugo and the Hug him* can I feed on you real fast I'm kind of hungry

Bakugo: yeah sure

Izuku: *bikes neck*

Kirishima: what the heck are you doing to bakubro

Everyone in the room looks at izuku in complete shock except for the Duku squad

Utaraka: don't even think of trying to pull them off I'm just warning you he'll rip out a jugular if you do that

Kirishima: then what are we supposed to do just wait till he's done what is he even doing

Tsu: feeding

Jiro: what?

Lida: he is a vampire

Bakugo: haaaaa sooo g-good

Izuku: shit  I let my venom slip into him nobody Disturbed me for the next hour

Tsu: omg why did you forget

To be continued

izuku x bakugouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat