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I knew I was the villain. I knew I would kill and be killed by Simon Snow, but at some point in my life I fell in love, and I prayed that someday I could defeat fate, show that we aren't these blank archetypes of people, the hero won't be one hundred percent good in every action, the love interest won't be infatuated with the hero forever. Through my silent rebellion I learnt that avoiding those stereotypes is increasingly difficult in a world centred around them, but somehow, at some point, I will. I think about these things too much, especially when I'm ment to be sleeping. I don't sleep alot, perhaps it's the vampire nature, or maybe I'm afraid of something happening to him. The villain shouldn't care. Deciding I'm not getting to sleep at all I go to the window, Simon keeps it open when he sleeps for some reason, I mean out slightly and lift a cigarette to my mouth.
"Please go to bed Baz." I hear from the other bed in the room.
It takes everything in my body to not listen, but I do it.
"Baz seriously I have a meeting with the Mage tommorow."
"That's not my problem." I sneer.
I hear a shuffling and soon Snow is standing next to me, the window is big enough so we can both lean out without touching.
I light the cigarette that had been hanging from my mouth. I admired his features in the moonlight, the curve of his jaw, his constellations of freakles across his face, his mop of curls on his head.
"I can't sleep, sorry if I woke you up." I said, I was too tired to fake hatred.
He continued to look out the window.
After a moment of silence he spoke, "I couldn't sleep either, I'm nervous for this meeting."
"That's not like you to be nervous, you're usually obnoxiously confident."
Snow rolled is eyes and sighed,
"It's some important elven person."
"Elves, got to be careful, they take things personally, just don't talk."
He crossed his arms and sighed again.
"Why do you hate me? I didn't do anything to you."
I didn't respond immediately, late nights and being hungry didn't mix well for me I had a tendency to over share in these situations. I took a breath of the cigarette.
"Social conditioning, I was told to hate you that just morphed into this."
Simon rubbed his eyes,
"Forget it, goodnight." He began to walk back to his bed.
"For the record, I don't hate you, I hate what you stand for." He said just before he hid in his bed.

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