chapter 6

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Realizing I hit the jackpot, I sat back against the trunk and started looking for a low-level fire spell. A few moments later I found it and it looked at the incantation after repeating it in my mind a few times I lift my hand palm facing the sky, I start to say the incantation and I feel something ebb away at my strength slowly then increased as I started to finish the incantation. I look down at my palm I see a ball of fire the size of my fist. sitting there for a moment stunned that it worked, I realize that it took a small amount of strength and energy to create it and a little bit more to maintain it.

Realizing that there was still a lot of things needed to be done before the sun started to set I slowly eased the ball of fire into the hole in the trunk and lit the pieces of wood on fire, it was just enough heat to keep us warm for the night and not strong enough to burn the whole tree down. I get up and look around then started then started to climb down the tree, when my feet touch the ground its like the forest goes silent. Realizing that all eyes were on me I started back up the tree getting up and past my bed I start to clear away some of the leaves an twigs in certain spots so I can scout for animals. After getting half way around the tree I so it something big lumbering straight towards my tree and I could finally see what it was and it made my very core shake it was an armored grizzly bear. About one week before my birthday there was a platoon of soldiers that had armored grizzly bears by the dozen.

I remember one of our strongest warriors going up against one of the juvenile grizzly bears the only thing he did to the bear was put a medium sized dent from his war hammer into the grizzly bears chest plate before getting thrown across the arena, later the town found out that the grizzly bears were twenty five percent magical when it came to physical abilities. They could increase their physical abilities to about five times what they normally could do. The bear that had a dent in its chest plate was the same bear lumbering towards me except this time it looked like it had turned into a chaos animal. I quickly realized the minute it got to my tree it would be over, its physical magical abilities would be increased by two because it was a chaos animal now.

I started to say the incantation for the ball of fire spell after about two minutes I had five fireballs the size of my fist, the bear was looking straight at me as I started to make the fireballs spin in a circle after a moment it was spinning so fast that I could feel the wind. I made the fireballs expand times two then shot them off in quick succession hitting the bear square in the chest and head making it fall backwards. Dropping down to my bed I grab my short sword and dagger. Running to the other side of the tree I lunge at the bear short sword raised above my head, I swing down with it at all full force only for it to bounce off the bears helmet. I collide into the bears armor and fall to the ground. The bear struggled to get up for a moment from the impact it took to the head.

"if only I had looked at strength and speed spells while I had the chance I would be able to have a higher chance of winning." I muttered to myself. Getting up at the same time as the bear we look each other dead in the eyes, while we were doing that I was just finishing the incantation for a fireball that I made into the size of my head then moved it to behind me. I lung at the bear and strike its chest only for it to bounce off, right as I go to strike again its claws coming raking up my body nearly tearing the leather chest plate to shreds. I fly backwards hitting the ground hard I roll out the way right as the bear goes to all fours making its front legs strike the ground were my body used to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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