Chapter Twelve Part V FINITO

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I watched Chloe writhe on the car seat. She had been doing that for a little while now, as if her dream was uncomfortable. I could smell her sweat and fear from all the way in the back of the car. It was a repugnant smell, and I shuddered at the it. It was a smell that I knew very well. When we were prisoners in that hell-hole, almost everyone smelled like that.

"Roxy, what do you think is going on with her?" Brady asked.

"I am not sure, but it can't be good."

Just then a piercing whistle of a sound erupted from the car. It was one long wailing pitch, it was like a drill in my ear. I think it was near one o' clock in the morning, and that one little shriek woke up everyone in the car. It wouldn't end! I scrambled to the front of the car, looking for the source of the noise.

And I saw poor Chloe screaming.

Her face was bright red at the effort it took to maintain a scream like that. She took a big breath, the continued screaming. It felt like there was a razorblade shoved in my eardrum. I resisted the urge to cover my ears with my hands, and went to Derek's side.

"Derek, what is wrong with her?"

He looked pained, an expression that seemed to be on his face a lot. "I don't know. For the past half hour, I've been trying to get her to wake up, but she wouldn't. Then she started screaming, and I didn't know what to do."

I turned, and gripped Chloe's shoulders and leaned in close. "Chloe! Wake up! We need you here!" She didn't seem to hear me at all. From her screaming, or just because she couldn't I had no idea.

Then I smelled something. It smelled of Brimstone. Demon scent. It was a faint trace, but it was still there. This demon was pretty good at hiding his trail, but not good enough. I had smelled demons enough in that warehouse to be positive that it certainly e=was a demon. The really old and powerful ones could almost completely hide their scent. But a werewolf could smell them. I suppressed a growl, and went to call miss Lauren.

"Miss Lauren! Where are you? Your niece requires your services!" I heard a rummaging noise, and I heard a very faint voice say, "I'm getting my supplies, I'll be right there!" There was deep pain in her voice, and I could almost taste her fear. As it was the smell radiated off of everyone else, also.

Just hen her shrieks elevated in both pitch and volume. I felt like I was going deaf. Just then miss Lauren came back. Her face immediately paled. I rushed over to her. "Are you okay?"

"Sure dear, I'm fine. Just a little shaky." I didn't believe her, but I let her go anyways.

She took out a little flashlight, and shone it in Chloe's eyes. Her pupils contracted like everyone else's, but there was something wrong. She wasn't waking up.

Just then she started to blindly attack with her fists. "Derek! No! Don't hurt him!" She screamed into the open air, then she burst into sobs. Derek had a stricken look on his face, and he paled.

"Simon! Stop!" those were the next words she cried, but the rest was mumbles, from crying. They were all garbled and mumblish. I couldn't make out anything.

Then she just stopped. Stopped moving, stopped screaming, she even stopped thrashing, but she didn't stop crying. Giant sobs wracked her tiny body, but no noise came out of her mouth. Just then Her eyes opened, and she looked at Derek. "No," she whispered. Then she closed her eyes and collapsed.

Miss Lauren crashed to the floor of the van and started crying then. She hugged her niece hard and she whispered her name over and over again. "Kit," she started, the tears rolling down her fair cheeks, "are we almost there?"

I heard him say yes, and then nothing else. After that we returned to our seats. Derek just sat there stiffly, and I wondered what was wrong with him. Miss Lauren also sat very stilly and she cradled Chloe against her.

That girl nearly made me deaf, thought Sara,

Be kind, she must have been through a lot in that dream. I thought.

I don't care! It's two in the morning! Is it to much to ask for some sleep?

Quiet, Sara, I snapped. That girl is I kindred soul, and is one of the first people to treat us with kindness. You will show more respect!

I apologize, Roxy.


Um, said an unfamiliar voice, am I going crazy?

Derek, is that you?

Yeah, last time I checked, anyways.

Have you never had a pack, before?

Uh. No, actually. Never.

Oh, I replied. Well, you found out how we communicate privately. Quite interesting, no?

Sounds like something straight out of Twilight, actually.

What does the sky have to do with us?

Well, actually it's a boo... never mind. Anyways, it's a really cool way to communicate.

Derek, I have to ask, did you smell anything strange near Chloe?

Come to think of it, I did smell a sulfurous smell, what was that?

Just as I thought, I sighed. A demon was doing something to Chloe. I am not sure what, but it was enough to make her do that. That was Brimstone you smelled. That's a demon scent.

Are you sure? Chloe doesn't even know any demons, why would one be haunting her?

I do not know. All I know was that it really was a demon.

Oh, god. We have to tell someone!

No, not yet. We should do a little research first. We need to study Chloe. See if she acts differently and things like that. This is dangerous, and people will overreact and possibly harm her. Demons are tricky creatures, and if not treated properly she could die. Have you perhaps read a book called Demons: What you should know about them by Allen Shafer? (hey, guys, sorry to interrupt the story, but you tell me if it would be a cool idea to actually write that book? It just sounds kinda fun, don't cha think? Tell me in a pm {private message} or a comment, or what ever. :D)

Actually I did read a few chapters once. Why?

I believe we can find some answers there. Once we find that book, then we can act. Not till then. It is to dangerous. However we need to keep a very close watch on Chloe.

Understood. Hey, why isn't anyone else responding to our little conversation?

Because I have guarded this conversation. I didn't think anybody else needed to hear it.

Well, thank you I guess. Yeah, thank you. I do appreciate it.

You are welcome.

Just then I heard a sigh coming from the front of the car. "Hey guys," Mister Kit called, "we're here!"

Miss Lauren clutched Chloe tighter, and when the car stopped she threw open the door, and carried Chloe to a little house. It was a nondescript house. Brick walls, a tiled roof, and a charming little lawn made it seem like a normal house, not a safehouse hiding a bunch of Supernatural's.

Miss Lauren Burst through the front door, and we all followed. When I noticed something quite odd.

Simon was shooting a murderous glance at Derek.

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