Chapter 2- Can You Scream for Ice Cream?

Start from the beginning

I cleared my throat as I approached them, causing both of them to look at me. The girl, who I recognized was Beth, stared at me disappointedly and calculatingly, her lip curling into a disgusted smirk. Russell just stood there blushing, refusing to look into my eyes.

"May I join the conversation?" I asked them sweetly, crossing my arms.

I smiled smugly at Beth as Russell immediately turned away from Beth and started talking to me, eventually leading me away from Beth as if she wasn't even there. I should've known Russell had the maturity and faithfulness to turn away from her.

Afterall, I've been going out with Russell for more than two years. I think I can trust him. He's my boyfriend, and if we're going to get married soon, after we graduate, I've got to learn to believe what he says.

I can't have a marriage that is filled with uncertainty and suspicion all the time.

 I sighed. I thought all the drama from high school wouldn't tag along for the college ride. Playing absently with my rose bracelet my dad had given me, I suddenly felt a pang of loneliness. Where was the parental figure in my life?

My dad walked out with my brother, my mom's a mental whore. Why did I have to be one of the girls that never had the united family love all the other girls experience? Where was my chance to claim that I was a daddy's girl?

Keeping my tears back, I crossed the campus with Russell, who immediately zoned in on my sadness. "What's wrong?" he asked, pulling me to a stop.

"Nothing... I just miss my dad," I sad, giving him a watery smile.

Russell stroked my hair comfortingly, and it made me feel a lot better. I walked him to his next class since he had more lates than I did, and then made my way to mine. Almost at the door of my next class, I suddenly stopped.

I wanted icecream, and I knew my chinky eyed friend would want it too.  I needed some laughing time, and Twiz would definitely help me out here. I could catch up on my classes later.


"Seriously, I can't believe he got you that nice of a ring!" Tristan exclaimed, making me giggle girlishly. "Let me see it."

I pulled the ring off my finger and gave it to him, letting him play with it in his fingers. I could see his intense eyes drawing in every detail, probably having to do with the ring he'd buy Julie..I was hoping. 

"You dropped this."

I looked up to see a tan hand holding my dorm key, outstretched in front of me.

Glancing up even higher, I met the dark grey eyes of a handsome man. His hair was dark, dark brown, and he had laugh lines. He looked about tweny five, definitely out of college, but not old enough to be married.

I smiled my one hundred watt smile, and took my key from his palm. "Thanks." I replied.

"No problem." he said, giving me a flirtacious wink.

I was about to say something else when Tristan suddenly thrust my ring into my face. "Here's your engagement ring, Libby."

I laughed at Tristan's obvious hint and took the ring from him. "Thanks, Twiz."

I looked up at the man again, and I saw him staring at my left hand for a moment, his eyes clouded with what almost looked like disappointment. He then looked up into my eyes and smiled, sticking out his hand. "I'm Garrett O' Brian."

"Hi, I'm Libby, and this is Tristan. And we're just friends," I added when he looked in between us curiously.

He shook hands with Tristan and I before excusing himself to go get his ice cream. Tristan glanced at me and grinned when Garrett was out of earshot. "You're so lucky Russell wasn't here."

I rolled my eyes but smiled back, knowing he couldn't have been more right.


By the time I got back to the dorm, it was dinner time. I changed into comfortable clothes and discarded my backpack onto my bed. I got outside just in time to meet up with Tristan, Julie, and Russell.

I tackled Russell as hard as I could, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist as I planted a huge wet kiss on his inviting lips. He returned it eagerly, his hands tightly gripping my ass. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 

I broke away first, which was unusual. Russell noticed it too, but he just shot me a confused glance, then turned to continue his conversation with Tristan as he took my hand in his.

I smiled and greeted Julie, who was blushing because Tristan, to show off to us, picked her up and shouted how much he loved her while he showered her with butterfly kisses. Afterwards, he smirked at us and said immaturely, "There. Beat that!"

I smiled as we walked into the dining hall. College life was almost too good to be true, I was here with my friends whom I loved very much. I just couldn't help but wish for a parent to tell all my college experiences too as well.

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