Switch on your Youth!

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Woz: As it is written in this book, definitely not at all above average high school student, Sougo Tokiwa went on a conquest to become the overlord of time, Oma Zi-O. He has gained the power of OOO and defeated Another OOO. There are two more Legendary Riders waiting for WAGA MAO. The keyword is, "shooting star".

Sougo's P.O.V

I'm now walking home from school when two guys passed me.

Guy #1: Man, we should be studying for entrance exams now shouldn't we?

Guy #2: It's okay. I'll tutor you. Let's make sure we both pass!

Guy #1: Thank you! Having friends are the best, right?

Friends.... Huh? After walking for a while, I finally reached 9 to 5 and entered.

Junichiro: What I'm trying to say is that we're a clock shop so we don't do stereo repairs. Well yes I know that they have clocks in them but the stereo is the main component while the clock is more of an accessory.... Y-Yeah. Sure, I'll take care of it. Happy to help. I'll come and pick it up. Pleasure doing business with you.

Uncle put the phone down and sighed.

Sougo: Customer?

Junichiro: Yeah. They want me to fix their old stereo. I told them that we're just a clock shop.

Sougo: Hey, uncle. Why do you take jobs that you don't want to do?

Junichiro: It's not that I don't want to do it. I just prefer fixing old timekeeping pieces. Oh well. The pay that they offered is good and you are going to enter college soon. No harm in saving up.

Uncle went to the dining room at the same time Geiz and Tsukuyomi came out of there.

Sougo: Oh, so you two were home.

Tsukuyomi: Yeah. We've been busy investigating a case. It might Another Rider-related.

Sougo: I see. Wait for me. I'll go and change right now.

Geiz: You need to stay ou-

Sougo: Alright stop right there. You already know what my answer is going to be so just wait here patiently.

Geiz: *sighs*

Sougo: Oh and here.

I took out two hawk Watchroids and threw it towards them. They caught it.

Geiz: These are.....!

Sougo: I just made them earlier during workshop.

Tsukuyomi: Made them....?

Sougo: Woz told me that I created the Hawk Watchroids and the Phonewatches. Then, I gave them to him in the future. So, I decided to play around with the Ridewatches. During Physics, I was able to extract the Rider Essence from the OOO Ridewatch and transferred it to a blank Ridewatch. Then, during workshop I tried recreating the Hawk Watchroid and Bam. Those are the results. I'm no Sento Kiryu but Uncle taught me the art if inventions well.. Think of them as gifts for being such good retainers from your king.

Geiz: Who is your retainer?!

Tsukuyomi: Still.... That's amazing, Sougo. How were you able to have the time do all this stuff while the teachers are around?

Sougo: The answer is simple. I used one of the greatest social techniques known to mankind called.....

Geiz: Bribery.

Sougo: Correct!

Tsukuyomi: Please give me back my words of praise.


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