"What the fuck," she said, dryly.

Gazing at the creature, she figured something transcendental had occurred. An imperative need to inform someone possessed her, and she took off like a bat out of Hell. Dancing on her toes while riding the lift back to crew quarters, she began to doubt the experience. I must be losing it...did that really happen? The elevator dinged, and the door slid open.

She went to DeReaux's room first. Best to get a second opinion before bothering the captain. His door was closed. Rather than knocking and waking up DeReaux's quarter mate, she decided to sneak in.

"Wake up, Frenchie," she whispered. Then, she tugged at his sleeve. "Wake up, you ass."

He turned, and looked at her, and grumbled, "What?"

"Get up, you have to come check this out," she pleaded. He muttered something unintelligible before getting out of bed. She led him to the elevator. He rubbed his eyes, complaining he needed to pee. "I think the traveler was showing me something. I just wanna' see if he shows you something, too."

He looked at her with a tiresome expression. He wanted to blow her off, tell her to get some rest, but they had pretty much known each other their whole lives, and he saw the distress in her face and body language. Back in front of the creature, she ordered him to sit down.

"Let me grab a chair," he whined.

"Sit down!"

He sighed dramatically as though it was an extraordinary ordeal. "Okay, what now?"

"Just relax," she said.

He shook his head in mock desperation, but figured placating her was the quickest road to getting back to sleep. A moment eased by during which he experienced nothing beyond grogginess. Mental complaints about his partner suddenly seemed distant and disconnected. He felt like he was underwater. The colors and shapes he witnessed behind closed eyes were marvelous but little more than whatever was experienced after pushing on the eyes. It was a novelty, which made him want to scratch his head, but it took his body an eternity to react.

When it did, it moved incredibly slowly. His eyelids remained heavy, but he focused all of his intent into looking around. He was shocked at the physical sensations plaguing his body. Vibrations and waves of energy shot through him like his heart was pumping electricity.

Frightened, he rose to his feet as if his muscles were made of molasses. Everything was slowed, even the sounds in the ship; they were elongated. Focusing on the sounds was like choosing portions from a recording and playing it back. He knew the traveler was showing something of monumental importance. He recalled a similar sensation while fighting on Sahagun, and what he was experiencing was the ability to take all the time in the world to observe whatever he chose, whatever he saw with his eyes, heard with his ears, touched with his hands. They were all separate events for him to witness at his own leisure.

He brought his gaze to the traveler, whose eyes were closed. An order to move, to walk around and explore, pressed him. Though he managed to pick up his pace, there wasn't any way to move at a normal rate of speed. He knew it wasn't his muscles he was using, but some vibratory force, some base energy lodged deep within.

He sluggishly reached out to touch Fitzpatrick. Before making contact, DeReaux's brain was flooded with sensory input. He saw all her angles, every possible way she might move, and he knew where to strike, or trip her, or maneuver around her. Then, the elevator dinged in a drawn out fashion. Ever so slowly, the door slid open, and a Thewl ambled out like he was on slow motion, instant replay. With a crack, time caught up, and everything was back to normal.

DeReaux blinked rapidly; his eyes were dry. The Thewl who had stepped from the elevator nodded to him before shuffling off to do inventory.

"What the Hell was that," DeReaux gasped.

"What did you see," Fitzpatrick was anxious.

"Everything was slow, I, I don't know."

"Could you see everything around you, like move around, like, like, you're just a pair of eyes or something?"

"What? No! Is that what you got," he asked. "I didn't get that at all. Everything was just slow, but I guess, I felt like I knew how to do...whatever needed to be done, like before on the battlefield, only I was in control this time."

"I'm glad it isn't just me then. We should tell everyone," she declared.

They returned to the quarters deck and attempted amassing the crew by running excitedly from door to door. They pounded while screaming about the traveler. Korit and some Thewls joined up when Fitzpatrick started a hurried explanation. DeReaux followed up with his version. For a moment, they all looked at each other.

"Perhaps these are gifts," Korit finally ventured.

Adams and Franklin exchanged a trademark glance. "What do you two know," Swain asked.

"Surprisingly, nothing," Adams answered after a pause.

"Although," Franklin began.

"What?" Fitzpatrick demanded.

"Well.... No. I don't know," Franklin said and looked down with a furrowed brow.

"Okay, this is the first time either of you have been at a complete loss. Now, I have to know," O'Hara chuckled.

"Guess we should all get down there," Day suggested.


Humans and Thewls surrounded the traveler. One-by-one, they all relaxed. A similar undertaking enveloped the Humans.

Nandesrikahl was shown how to interpret any language and signal. In the distance, across the loading zone, he listened and heard Thewls talking about the inventory. They were saddened by the loss of a friend in the last battle and were bickering about whether or not they had enough parts to fix the ships without having to scrap their friend's ship. Anything he heard broke to down to a core vibration, allowing him to distinguish meaning and intentions.

Swain was able to feel his way through machines and equipment. If it had components, he was able to enter them, unravel how they functioned. The nearest machine was the elevator. He visualized, like x-ray vision, the vertical, conveyor track to which the cab was hooked. Then, he delved into the buttons and saw how each created a circuit in the cab's mechanisms.

Adams and Franklin were shown that there was nothing to offer them. The cybernetics and gene augmentation they had received during their training with The Bureau had created a barrier within them. They accepted the fact; there was no alternative, yet the creature shared with them a bit of the old culture and history. It was like living among the travelers, if only for an instant.

Thewlian DNA was different than Human DNA, and the travelers had never examined it, or mastered it, as they did with their Human creations. The two species were overly dissimilar, so the traveler was unable to open their minds to give them gifts. Humans, however, all had a special, reserved potential. Their pineal glands were the same as the traveler's gland, but Thewls were different, so he taught them meditation techniques designed to help them reach their potential on their own.

Day was told that her time was nigh. All she needed was patience. The final lesson was for the captain.

All outcomes occur at all times, but the ability to choose one outcome over another is the key to survival, to success.

He taught O'Hara to silence his mind. With no thoughts or distractions he was able to focus wholly on the task at hand. It didn't mean knowing the exact outcome of every situation, but quieting his mind allowed him to feel the push and pull of the universe. It flowed like a river. One might walk along side it. One might walk away or towards it. One might get into the river, and try to swim against it, or across it, or with it. O'Hara was able to create a moment in time wherein he decided which of all those was best and when to utilize such decisions.

Beyond the End of the World, Lokians 1Where stories live. Discover now