~Chapter 1~

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I turned off my phone and set it back down on the table. I was now part of the Magcon Family. I was overwhelmed.

I had to leave for the next Magcon in two days. The next Magcon was in Orlando. This would be the first time I got to go with Nash and Hayes to meet the guys in person.

I heard knocking on my door. I knew who it was.

"Sis are you packed yet?"

Hayes had been so excited to go to the next Magcon. He says it was because he would get to see Carter again, but I think it's because this is the first Magcon I'm going to.

I opened the door and saw Hayes with his hand held up as if he was about to knock on my door again.

"Hayes, I thought we left in two days, we have a day of just Nash, Skylnn, you, and I, and then the boys came over." I said.

"Oh sorry, umm change in plans," he said.

"What does that mean?" I said puzzled.

"Well, we had to change flights. The boys are gonna come down today anyways." He said hesitantly.

"Then why do I have to pack now?" I said still puzzled.

"Because we are leaving for the airport in two hours," Hayes held is hands up as to protect himself. "Please don't hit me!"

"Hayes!" I yelled in frustration,"How long have you known?!"

"Two days. But I could have sworn I told you!"

"When?" I said a little more understanding now.

"When you were listening to music."

"Ugh, Hayes. I'm sorry I freaked out. I should have paid attention"

Hayes held his arms up and crossed them over his chest as to act all mean,"Yeah? Well, you should be sorry!" He said trying to act tough.

I giggled.

"What?!" he exclaimed.

I rubbed my hand across his head and messed his hair up. "Oh Hayes, never grow up." I said as I turned and walked to my bed.

"W-what?! I am being serious,"he said.

"Oh right. I forgot." I changed my voice where it sounded brawny as I sat on my bed and got on my phone . "I'm so sorry sir. won't happen again sir." I laughed, and saw the blood rush to Hayes' cheeks.

Hayes was embarrassed and pissed at the same time. He charged at me and tackled me on my bed. We started wrestling until I pushed him off the bed.

"Hey, no fair!" he yelled.

"It is to fair," I argued. It went on back and forth for a few minutes, then Nash walked in.

"Hayes, your bags are in the car. Kylie, where is your suit case?" he said," searching my room for the packed bag.

"I'm not packed yet Nash. Hayes just told me that we were leaving today."

"What the fuck Hayes?! I told you to tell her!" Nash yelled.

Hayes was about to say sorry and I stopped him before he could and yelled at Nash.

"Nash, he did tell me, I was listening to music, it's not his fault, it's mine." I said and Nash was about to talk, and I cut him off to.

"And what the hell is wrong with you? You've been so tense lately." I yelled towards him.

"I'm sorry sis," he said,"It's just, this is your first Magcon, and I want it to be perfect for you, and Hayes I'm sorry I exploded on you...not" he coughed the last word, and we all started laughing as Hayes tackled Nash.

I tried to serperate it, but it became nothing but wrestling. Mom walked in through the door holding Skylnn's hand.

"Hey, cut it out you guys, we have thirty minutes to be in the car, and on our way to the airport." said Mom.

I still had to pack, and get ready. I had flew to different areas with Nash and Hayes for Magcon, but this time was different.

"Everyone get out, I have to get packed and ready." I said. Nash groaned and stood up.

"Don't take an hour!" he said with a groan.

"I'll be done in 20 minutes tops," I said as I pushed Nash and Hayes out of my room. Skylnn let go of mom's hand and looked at me.

"Can I join Ky?" She said with her cute eyes. Skylnn called me Ky, since I usually call her Sky. Ky and Sky, isn't that adorable. I nodded and waved her in to my room. She giggled in delight.

I closed and locked the door and turned to Skylnn. "Go get my Vans and my make-up please," I told her. She ran to my bathroom as I turned around to pick out my clothes.

I laid my clothes out in outfits and packed some extra sweaters, scarves, sweat pants and sweat shirts, and a couple of extra jackets.

I turned just as Sky came out with my make-up and shoes to grab my suit case. I picked them up and said thank you and asked her to get my make-up bag.

She turned to go get the bag and I laid my suitcase on my bed. I put all of my clothes in, and Sky came in with my bag.

"Can you put my make-up in the bag princess?" I said as she nodded.

I put my laptop charger, waterproof earbuds, and an extra phone charger and adapter into my book bag.

Sky handed me my make-up bag, and I put it in the corner of my suit case and zipped it up.

I picked out a comfy outfit for the plane ride and my flip flops.

"Did you pack your swimsuit Ky?" Sky asked me. No, I didn't.

"Can you pack it for me while I'm getting ready?" I asked and she nodded and ran to my closet.

I walked to Mom's bathroom and took a shower and got ready. I had to use mom's make-up and when I got finished, Sky had everything packed.

I bent down and kissed Sky on the forehead. "Thanks Sky." I said putting my suitcase on the floor.

I wheeled my suitcase to the door. Hayes took it and put in the trunk. I hopped in the car with Sky and plugged in my headphones blasting Ed Sheeran, and whispered to myself.

Let's do this.

Hey Guys! I'm Kylie, and this is my first story on WattPad. If some of you are confused, Kylie is the middle child of Nash and Hayes. She is older than Hayes, and Nash was only older by 2 hours. Just to clear things up.

~Kylie ^-^

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