"Jihyo noona." I heard him speak from the speakers.

"I'm sorry I couldn't call you, I'm in the middle of a schedule and we're in a break, I just wanted to say fighting! You've been doing well and I hope your neck feels better. Say to the other girls I'm rooting for them. Greet Nayeon happy birthday for me! And for Y/N, tell her she did well with the album! I love it." Daniel said pausing for a bit before his message continued. "I have to go now, I'll call you when you aren't busy, I love you!" He said before the message was done and Jihyo smiled softly.

I smiled softly at how sweet the message was, but then I remember what happened between me and Jihyo few nights ago.

"Hey, um did you..." I looked up from the phone to look at her and she looked back at me.

"He uh... he was shocked and angry at first so we're kind of on a rough spot right now..." She said and I nod slowly.

"Look, I'm sorry-"

"D-don't apologize. I was the one who kissed you and it clearly was a mistake. I messed up and now I'm dealing with the consequences." She told me and I frowned. I could've pulled away, I could've stepped back. There were so many things I could've done yet I decide kiss her back. What was I thinking.

My train of thought stopped once I saw Jeongyeon holding one of our manager's phones horizontally as I could see the vlive screen. It seemed they were starting a vlive now just before the showcase will start.

I saw Sana sitting down on Tzuyu's lap and I watched her cover herself with her long sweatshirt. Then I grabbed the blanket wrapped around me and tossed it over to her.

"Thanks." Sana smiled at me and I nodded at her before I leaned back putting my arm on the back of the couch resting it behind Jihyo. From the corner of my eye, I was able to notice Jihyo glancing at me with this saddened look in her eyes. I quickly dismissed it since I didn't want to focus on this too much. Besides we were at work, we had to stay professional right now.

When the live ended, we then were told minuets after to get ready now. We all stood up from our seats and we went to the backstage area. There we were handed our mics and earpieces. Even though the showcase hasn't even started, I was smiling to myself whenever I heard the fans talking amongst themselves.

For my earpieces they only had no design to it and they were just black. But every time I see Dahyun's I just couldn't help it but chuckle.

"Yah~" Dahyun whined when she saw me holding in my laugh. She then pushed me since I couldn't stop laughing.

"It's great! But the things Once upload on Twitter." I bursted out laughing once again, this time not being able to hold it in. All of a sudden we were called to the stage and I fanned myself, gaining my composure.

"Alright, let's do this." I said after I finally calmed down and we all huddled together for our chant.

After we did our chant, we saw the stage get dark and the fans were already cheered as we walked out of the stage. It didn't take long after we got into our positions that I started to hear the metronome through my earpiece and Fancy started.


During the part of the showcase where we just talked, we discussed about topics that appeared on the monitors infront of us, displaying the scripts we were meant to read off.

I'll be honest, I was never the type to follow the scripts 100%. I'm not as good of an actor like some of the other girls are but I can't act like I know what I'm talking about when I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe that's just been a habit with me that stuck since presentations during school.

"Y/N." I heard Jeongyeon call me and I nodded, turning my head to her.

"Did you enjoy your holidays?" She asked and I smiled widely, nodding in response.

"Yeah, I enjoyed them a lot." I responded. "Actually I spent a lot of time with Nayeon eonnie since I didn't have the opportunity to go home and she made it worth while." I explained and I heard cheers coming from the crowd.

"Yeah, we spent a lot of time together." Nayeon looked at me and I looked back at her with an innocent smile. Though I couldn't see it, I knew that the other girls would give just as innocent smiles or if they wanted to risk it, they'd look at the other members with knowing looks in attempts of making them laugh.

"Alright, that concludes my answer." I wrapped up the topic before I could risk my job any more and turned to the crowd.

"How about you guys? Did you enjoy your holidays?" I asked the fans as they all screamed yes, nodding.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smiled widely and then fixed my blanket that laid on my lap.

As the time flew by, we were in our last topic before we had to sing 21:29.

"So, Y/N." Jihyo spoke and I looked over at her.

"You produced and wrote Feel Special." She said as the crowd cheered upon the mention of my producer/lyricist side. A smiled curved up the corners of my lips when I heard them.

"Yes I did." I said. I grabbed the water bottle under my chair sipped from it before setting it back down.

"Can you tell us about the process?" She asked and I nodded.

"For me, being the lyricist is like this. It's like writing a story that has a sound to it. That's where the music comes in. With Feel Special, I wanted to show people who didn't even know who Twice was, the struggles that we, each as an individual, has faced over the years." I started as I tapped my finger on my knee.

"There's something about the music video that each represented how we were without eachother. With Jeongyeon's lines, I wrote more about self love and finding more joy being around others you love." I continued.

"So I hope others would be able to connect the lyrics with the visuals in the music video and that'll make me feel really special." I said and bursted out in laughter at my stupid pun as the fans cheered.


We finally headed back home and after I took off my shoes and replaced them with sandals, I rushed over to the largest room, where Mina would be and there I saw her, laying down on her bed.

"How was it?" She asked, a big smile on her face once she saw me walk inside. I practically jumped onto the bed with her as I then laid down beside her.

"It was great!" I said and started to tell her how the showcase went. As I talked, she draped her arm around my stomach and I looked over at her as I continued telling her the stories.

"Then Chaeyoung eonnie made this joke." I said and as I retold the joke, she giggled.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun." She muttered, stroking my hair as she continued staring at me.

"That wasn't even the best part- just bear with me yeah?" I only got more excited when more stories had popped into my head.

"I'd love to hear more." She smiled at me in awe.

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