Chapter 6: Three Dresses?

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Chapter 6: Three Dresses?

 I found someone, or rather she found me, but she brought me to my room. She smiled, “You have about 10 minutes before your dress fitting.” she smiled she was pretty, she had dark brown hair that was just above her shoulders, she had bright green eyes, and was wearing a green silky dress. It was so pretty, it looked like one my mother would wear. 

“What’s your name?” I asked her. 

“Margret.” she said with a smile. She was so friendly. 

“Umm, what do I wear to a dress fitting?” 

“You don’t have to change. Do you want help unpacking, since you only have 10 minutes left?” She paused and looked around and then said, “Where are the rest of your bags. “ 

“Yes, please I would like some help. These are all of my bags. It is warmer here, so most of my dresses would be too hot to wear here.” 

She looked at my one bag, and then back at me, “You are serious?”

I cracked a smile “Yes, of course, why would I lie to anyone?”

“Oh, well maybe I should go tell Wanda, and Marcus that you may need a few more dresses than we had planned.”

She started walking away, “Wait, who are Marcus and Wanda?” 

“The dress makers of course! Really, who did you think they were?”

I thought that she was talking about the King and Queen, back in my kingdom, I’ve heard a number of people call my parents by their first name. “Never mind.” I said with a smile. She might be offended, if I told her that I thought she called her king and queen by their first names. 

She had left for about 5 minutes, then she came back, I had already had all of my dresses put away, with my breaches folded in the bottom drawer tucked away so no one would find them and take them away from me.

“We need to get down the fitting room.” She said.

“Let’s go then.” I said.

Once we arrived I was greeted by Wanda who was a large woman with bright frizzy red hair. Then Marcus, who was also big, though he did have huge arm muscles. he had brown hair, and a solemn expression. 

“Princess Elizabeth-Marie Annilies Depore, is it true that you only have three dresses.” Wanda asked me. 

“Yes” I answered, then thought, and a pair of breeches.

They both gasped in horror. “Only three dresses!” Wanda said in a whisper. 

I felt the need to defend myself, “Well, I did have more, but I had to leave them at my kingdom, because it is too warm here for those cloths. I had seven.”

“But you are the princess, right?” Marcus sounded like he was accusing me of lying about my title. This did not go over well with me. 

“Yes,” I snapped, but then composed myself, before I yelled. “My kingdom is a great deal poorer than this one, we have to have priorities, and fashion is not one of the top ones.” they all looked completely blanched with horror. 

Marcus was the first to recover, “Well then let’s get started.”

“Alright, hold out your arms.” Marcus measured my wing span. Then around my waste, then from my chin to the ground, and a few other measurements, Wanda was writing down the measures that he muttered to her, sometime during all of this Margret left. Then when he was done with all of the measurements, we sat down and he had me picking out colors that I liked, and then he would criticized them. He had me match colors with what I wanted them to go with, all the while making comments like, “Oh those colors, together?”, and “Are you sure you like those?” Then after we were done with colors, Wanda and Marcus asked me what I was planning.

“What do you mean?” this question made me wary. 

“Do you like stay in doors, or should we make cloths that are suitable enough to stroll outside in?”

“Oh, I like to lay out in the sun, and ride horses, and I love to go into wooded areas!”

Again they looked at me like I was a lunatic. 

“What?” I asked because they were both just staring at me.

“You are the future Queen of two kingdoms, and you ride horses, and lie in the grass, and walk in forests?” Wanda said.

“Oh my, how have your parents raised you?” Marcus said.

This pushed my buttons, parents were a touchy subject for me, and I exploded, “MY PARENTS HAVE NOT RAISED ME! THEY COULDN’T EVEN FIND THE TIME TO TELL ME THAT THEY HAD ARRANGED A MARRIAGE FOR ME!”

They looked horrified, and they were babbling, “How dare you...” Who do you think your talking to...?”

“NO, I’M NOT FINISHED, IF I WANT TO GO RIDE HORSES, I WILL. AS PEOPLE KEEP REMINDING ME, I AM MARRYING A PRINCE, AND WE WILL BE KING AND QUEEN, SO I AM FREE TO RIDE A HORSE IF I PLEASE!” I paused, then continued in an eerie calm voice, “Now I’m finished.” I turned and left the room. I could not believe I just did that, again, within two days, I’ve lost it twice. I was in a state where I could not cry. Outside of the room, there were three people a maid, a butler, and the prince. I could not stand being looked at like that, so I ran.

Prince Alexander Sonas Portsontas P.O.V.

I was walking, and I heard screaming, I knew it was my future wife. Something about it was almost funny. Though not quite. When I arrived at the door there was already two servant and they were laughing.

The butler turned to me and said, “You sure know how to pick them.” This was a little irritating because I did not pick her, she was chose for me by my parents. 

The door yanked open, there she was standing, in a state of shock, it took her about 10 seconds longer than it should have to register all of us by the door. When realization came over her face, she ran, and I ran after her she was obviously upset, and I could bet anything I had that it was about one of three things and fashion was not one of those, it was either her friends, family, or her people. I did feel bad about leaving her earlier, maybe if I hadn’t she wouldn’t be so flustered. 


Hey guys, I do realize that this is sort of a short chapter- or at least not much was accomplished in Lizzy's life. Remember to comment and vote please :)

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