Chapter 16: ?

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     Chapter 16: ?

The next few days were torture. I was told by my mother that I has to hang out with my cousins Lilith and Collin. Just until the King and Queen and all of their children arrive she assured me. Collin wasn’t too bad, I was used to it. Plus he kind of left me alone because he knew about Shea. Lilith on the other hand. I wasn’t used to her being here. She goes to a school that teaches girls how to be proper ladies. My parents considered sending me there, but decided not to, which I think they later regretted. She was talking about how she and Collin would soon be royalty and I would be their half sister. This angered me. 

That’s not even the worst thing, me and John hadn’t really seen much of each other since that thing happened. The kiss.  If Shea had a burial I wasn’t invited which made me sad, but then again I don‘t know if I could have handled it. I told John about it when I got back, her death. He didn’t seem surprised he said she’d been sick for quite a while, even before I left. I am not angry at my mother anymore, or at least I’ve been civil with her. I am laying on my bed, thinking, or trying not to. I knew that I would have to get up soon, Lilith thinks that we are playing hide and seek. 

There were a few rapid taps on my door. I got up and went over and opened the door. It was Xander. He looked really good. He was standing there with Lilith who looked angry with me. I knew that I didn’t look good, my hair was a little tangled from laying down, and I was dressed in all black, for obvious reasons. 

“There is going to be a big meeting in the chambers later tonight.” Lilith said as she turned away.

“Okay.” I responded.

“I was wondering if you wanted to talk.” Xander said to me. 


“Is there somewhere we can talk, privately.” He asked me.

“Yeah, come in.” I opened up the door wide so he could enter. 

It was really dark in my room, the curtains were closed, I went to open them so we could have light.  I was aware that my room was much smaller than the one at his castle, but it didn’t really bother me. There was a small fire place, and it was cozy. I opened the window to let some fresh air in. 

I turned to him. “Hi.” I said with a small smile, I really wasn’t sure what else to say.

He returned the smile. “Hi Lizzy.” 

“What did you want to talk about?” I asked him. 

He looked down at his hands, then back up. “Do you want to get married early?”

That question took me by shock. I mean I knew this was what everyone would be discussing later. But he asked if I wanted to. 

“Yes.” I answered before I even knew what was coming out of my mouth. It wasn’t untrue. I liked Xander, I really did. Plus then my mother wouldn’t have to marry her dead husband’s brother. And I can see spending the rest of my life with Xander. 

“Yes?” He asked, he sounded shocked, yet happy.

“Yes!” I confirmed, with a little giggle. 

“Yes.” He said, then he hugged me. It felt warm, and good. 


I am going to continue to upload, and hopefully finish the story soon, this has been a long time watiting, and it would mean a lot if you continued to read.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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