Chapter 4: Are you Ready?

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Chapter 4: Are You Ready?

In the morning Sheala came to my room to wake me up. “Why do you look so sad?” I asked her. She looked at me and she smiled. 

“What do you remember about last night, after you got back from where we came from?” 

I had to think about this for a second. 

“Hmm umm, oh I apologized, I don’t really remember anything after that.”

“Oh, well you see you are going to the Kingdom of Bergecees. Today.” She finished sadly, I was beginning to understand now, why she looked sad. I remembered another question I wanted to ask her.

“You and John didn’t get into any trouble right?” I was worried about that. 

“Of course we didn’t get into any trouble silly.” I realized that there were other people in the room, but they were busy packing stuff, they weren’t listening to us, were they? 

Yes of course they were. I could not ask her what I really wanted to know, so I just got out of bed, and went to my closet to get dressed. I dressed in a simple traveling dress, it looked like a commoner dress, but that was fine with me. I would just be in a stage coach all day. Once I got dressed Shea and I left the room to go get something to eat. I always ate in the kitchen. I should eat in the dining room with the Duke and his son, my parents were too busy to eat with everyone in the morning. But I could never bring myself to have a civilized meal with Collin, shouting and food throwing never went down well with the Duke, or my parents when he would tell them what had went on. 

So I was heading down to the kitchen with Sheala when the Prince of Bergecees passed us and asked me, “Why aren’t you heading down to the dining hall with the rest of us?”

I looked at him for a second, then replied, “Why would I?”

“Because your parents might want to eat a meal with you before you go.” 

This stumped me for a second, “My parents don’t eat breakfast with me, ever, so why should I go make time for them now?” 

He looked appalled, “Because they are the King and Queen of this kingdom. Also, what else would you do?”

“Go eat  with my best friends one last time.” I put my arm around Shea’s shoulders and she put hers around my waste. 

“Friends?” He looked at me as if I were insane. 

“Yes. Friends, as in people who you love, like family.” I paused then continued, “or, maybe more than family, for me anyway. Sheala and John are my Best Friends.”

He was looking at me, “I command that you come and have breakfast with all of us.” I heard a little laugh, and surly enough Collin was around the corner listening to our conversation. Oh this was about to get ugly, if the prince did not just let me go now. He was looking at me.

He commanded me. He has no idea how angry that makes me. I took a breath and said in the sweetest voice I could muster up, but it sounded almost too sweet, like an evil person from stories and fairytales trying hard to sound normal, “I am truly sorry Prince Alexander Sonas Portsontas, but I am going to go have breakfast with my friends Sheala and John,” I side steeped him and gave a little curtsey and we walked away. The look on his face was so good, I will have to remember that one. 

Prince Alexander Sonas Portsontas  P.O.V

She told me in a really sweet voice, but it was through her teeth, that she refused to go to breakfast with her family, and my family, she would rather go eat with servants. Who does she think she is? As she and that other girl Sheala, was her name, were laughing by the time they got around the corner, I was fuming. Here comes The Duke’s son, Collin and by the smile on his face, I guaranteed he heard everything we had said. 

He was chuckling, “Oh ha ha ha, very funny.” I said in a sarcastic voice.

“Well yes, it is pretty funny, you can’t even control your future wife.” He was smiling and shaking his head. 

“It is not funny.”

“Well no, I suppose not for you.” he looked considerate, “She has never been a normal girl, even when she was a toddler, rebellious, and she acted like a she owned the entire castle. Her mother is never around to teach her to act like a lady,” he smirked, “Its like you are marrying a boy.” He was laughing again. 

But no, he was wrong about one thing, I will be the one in control, not her she will listen to me, or I will call off the engagement, and her kingdom will have to learn how to get by without my kingdom’s help. I turned on my heels and walked away from Collin, something about him bugged me.

Lizzy’s P.O.V

When we arrived in the kitchen, John was waiting there, along with Mary and a couple of other servants, and maids. I knew them all, and I knew I would miss them all terribly. I could not believe that I would have to leave them within an hour. My Sheala, how will she get by without me keeping Collin from hurting her. And John, he always gets in trouble from Frank for not doing all of his stable duties, who will get him off the hook? All of this made tears spring to my eyes, and I then smiled to stop myself from crying. We all gathered into a big hug. 

BANG BANG BANG, someone was knocking on the doors to the kitchen. Mary rushed to open it. It was someone that I had never seen before, though clearly a servant. I mean he sure was dressed like one, probably one of the King and Queen of Bergecees I thought bitterly. He was handsome, he looked maybe 16 I mentally slapped myself, I was technically engaged, but still he was pretty darn attractive.

“Are you ready princess?” he asked me.

No I wasn’t ready, I didn’t even get an hour that I thought I would get. I realized I still had tears in my eyes. Sheala grabbed my hand and I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes too. I hated to see her cry. She was looking at the shocked face of the person standing at the door. I hugged her and she really was crying now. I could see John over there he looked like he was about to cry too, this was too much.

“John, don’t be such a guy, and get over here.” I said through tears, my voice broke. He came over and hugged Sheala and I. I wasn’t ready to let go but they broke away. Mary stuffed what looked like a couple of biscuits into my dress pocket, I realized I had not eaten, there was even a cake that One of the kitchen ladies must have made. But I was not hungry anymore. “Good bye Sheala.” I whispered. She just nodded. I knew she couldn’t do anymore without breaking down, and I did not want her to do that. I really didn’t even want her crying over me even though I was crying over leaving her, but I was the one walking away from them, from everyone, so why was this so hard?

I turned to him, “No, I said I’m not ready to go yet, but yes we can leave now if we must.” It was true, even in a year, I would never be ready to leave them.

He looked shocked, I knew that we looked pathetic, crying on each others shoulders, but it was good bye, for who knows how long.


Alright, this is where the good part begins, Oh, and authors note, P.O.V stands for Point of View, I wasn't sure If everyone knew that. :) Remember to vote and comment, and Please keep reading!!!!!!!!!

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